Sunday, December 13, 2020

Tessa's Baptism

Tessa chose to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
We're so proud of her for wanting to follow Jesus Christ's example and make promises to follow Him throughout her life.
We sure love our Tessa Girl!
She was baptized on December 5th, 2020.
Because of the high Covid numbers right now, there were very strict limits on who could attend her baptism. We missed having all our family there with us, but were also very grateful that "immediate family" included grandparents.
The grandpas gave the prayers, Grandma Clark led the music, and Grandma Ham gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. Tessa loved having the blanket that reminds her the Holy Ghost can comfort us when she came out of the font and was really cold. :)
Rockwell and I got to be the witnesses. I loved being able to participate in her baptism and feel involved and included.
We had lunch at our house after the baptism. It was a beautiful day.

I took some pictures of Tessa in her baptism dress before it got too cold outside. I got a few that I wanted, and then told her that if she wanted anymore I would take some, but she could be finished if she wanted. She came up with a ton more poses and locations. I love taking pictures of my kids, so it was a fun photo shoot! There are so many gorgeous ones!

Catch Up - School Weeks 15-17

 I have gotten very behind and not had time for blogging lately. So this will be a long post full of highlights of the past three weeks. 

Damon helped Paul clean up all the leaves in our cul-de-sac and yard. He looked so cute using the blower. :)

The kids and I hung out at Al's house one day, and Hallee gave Tessa some fun washable animals for her birthday. 
They sat right down and started playing with them.

We had Thanksgiving dinner with the Ham Fam this year.
Rockwell and Wyatt thought they were so funny wearing their jackets like pants. They named them Pantjacks.

Leatherby's had a Black Friday sale on Tracy's Peanut Butter Cup, so obviously we went there for lunch. :)

Mel saw that you can rent out a movie theatre for 20 people for basically the same price as a regular ticket. We went and saw The Croods 2 with the family. It was fun to have the whole theatre to ourselves. 

Tessa and Damon made a really cool fort in the basement. All three kids played downstairs for most the day in that.

We made a fire and roasted hot dogs one night. Morgan was over playing and stayed for dinner with us.
We roasted marshmallows after dinner too.
We hung out and just enjoyed the fire the rest of the night.
Rockwell is at his very happiest when he's with Paul. He absolutely adores him, and I loved sitting and watching him laugh and smile and just feel awesome while he talked with his dad.

Tessa and Damon have been really into washing dishes lately. They ask to do it every day.
Sometimes it gets a little messy and Damon's shirt ends up soaked. :)

Tessa wanted to go to Hang Time for her birthday party again this year. Hallee, Morgan and Tatum came over to our house and Tessa opened her presents before we went to Hang Time.
They had so much fun running, jumping, sliding and climbing. It wasn't crowded at all, which was really nice.

Last week during quiet time Rockwell wrote his own MadLibs. He did a great job and we all enjoyed doing them with him that afternoon.

Rockwell and Tessa brought home the monsters they made in art club this week. They look so great!

Their school is having a soda bottle decorating contest right now. Tessa and Morgan made a Rudolph that turned out really cute!
They used Tessa's slime to turn their faces into unicorns, cats, and all sorts of things. It was cute to see what they had changed into every time they came downstairs.

One night I noticed that it was really quiet and wondered what the kids were doing. I found them all in here reading to themselves. I love love loved seeing that.