Sunday, December 13, 2020

Tessa's Baptism

Tessa chose to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
We're so proud of her for wanting to follow Jesus Christ's example and make promises to follow Him throughout her life.
We sure love our Tessa Girl!
She was baptized on December 5th, 2020.
Because of the high Covid numbers right now, there were very strict limits on who could attend her baptism. We missed having all our family there with us, but were also very grateful that "immediate family" included grandparents.
The grandpas gave the prayers, Grandma Clark led the music, and Grandma Ham gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. Tessa loved having the blanket that reminds her the Holy Ghost can comfort us when she came out of the font and was really cold. :)
Rockwell and I got to be the witnesses. I loved being able to participate in her baptism and feel involved and included.
We had lunch at our house after the baptism. It was a beautiful day.

I took some pictures of Tessa in her baptism dress before it got too cold outside. I got a few that I wanted, and then told her that if she wanted anymore I would take some, but she could be finished if she wanted. She came up with a ton more poses and locations. I love taking pictures of my kids, so it was a fun photo shoot! There are so many gorgeous ones!


  1. Beautiful photo shoot of Tessa! She did have some fun ideas! Her baptism day was so wonderful and I'm so glad that we were able to be there! I'd like to get some of the pictures with you and Paul with Tessa in front of the font.

  2. I wish we could have been there, but I'm so glad it was a great day for Tessa and you! I love love love her pictures, they are perfect.
