Sunday, February 14, 2021

School Week 24

Paul is doing some amazing things at Timpanogos High School. He's made a great Professional Development Library for the teachers.

He's also changed the atmosphere in the library by redecorating and creating space for getting lost in a good book. The furniture he ordered looks so good!

Damon is so funny! He absolutely loves to play Exploding Kittens, and will play it as many times a day as he can. The whole family was playing one night, and Rockwell drew an exploding kitten card, which can end the game for you if you don't have a defuse card. Rockwell said, "Oh man!" and Damon replied with, "That's why I always carry a See the Future!" I love that he said "carry." That made it so funny!
I was texting with my friends the other day and Damon was saying 'Mom' over and over again trying to get my attention. I was ignoring him so I could finish my thought on the text, but he lost patience and said, "Ugh! Tiff!!" That got my attention. :)
Damon was looking through the Valentine's that he got from his class and found one with a tattoo in it. He got so excited and said, "Guys! I got a tic-tac-too!" Ha!!

It stayed warm this week, and so we met Al, Hallee, and Wyatt at a park on Wednesday. It was so great to sit and visit with Al in the sunshine while the kids played. Rockwell and Wyatt rode the zip line together, and we loved seeing their huge smiles as the rode past us.

Richmond got some flower seeds for his birthday, and a packet to give to a friend as well. He and Damon planted them on the same day and are watching them grow together.
They're looking good so far!

Tessa was so excited to wear her dangly earrings now that her ears have been pierced long enough. She's also getting a new tooth!! She has been toothless for so long that we wondered if they would ever grow in. :) She's such a beauty!!

School Week 23

Damon got to go to Richmond's birthday party. 

They went to Lowe's Extreme Air Sports and to dinner at Taco Amigo. He had a blast!

The kids and I went and played at Al's house. They had a lot of fun playing with the kinetic sand bins.

I went to the Scera Shell Playhouse to see Freaky Friday with my mom, sisters, and nieces. We went to Costa Vida before the play for my mom's birthday dinner. Ofa joined us too, and I'm so excited to hear that she and EJ are getting married in the spring! She's awesome and we'll love having her join the family.
The play was a high school group production, and it was so good! I really enjoyed it.

We had some great weather at the end of the week, and the kids and I played outside for hours on Sunday afternoon. It was so fun!

School Week 22/Girls Trip

 We got some snow this week, and Rockwell and Wyatt built a fort and a stash of snowballs.

Damon and I shoveled the sidewalks and then went inside for a cup of hot chocolate.

For Christmas this year, I asked for a girls trip with my friends. Paul took Thursday and Friday off work, and took care of everything at home while I went to St George with Audrey, Al, and Katie for the weekend. It was such a fun time!!! We love love love being together, and it was so nice to do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted!
We stopped in Beaver and had lunch at The Creamery, which was delicious.
We stopped at Walmart when we got there to get some food for the weekend. We found shirts from a show that we like, and wore them on the same day. :)
We rented a townhouse with three bedrooms. Audrey and I shared the bunkbed room and talked and laughed until we fell asleep every night just like in college. When we got into the house there were two smoke alarms beeping, and so we called maintenance and then went to dinner so we didn't have to listen to the chirping. We stayed up late every night talking, eating, laughing, and watching some of our favorite shows. Audrey and I love the show Sanditon, and so we introduced Katie and Al to it. We were so happy that they liked it too, and we watched all 8 episodes over the weekend. :)
It was raining on Friday, so we just hung out at home all morning, and then went to do pedicures. The price was higher than we thought once we got there, and Audj and I weren't dying for one, so we went shopping instead while Al and Katie got pedicures. Then we went to Red Robin for dinner.
The next day was sunny and beautiful. I went for a run in the morning. I love running in new places.
We went to hike around at Pioneer Park that morning. The red rock was beautiful and it felt so nice outside!
There was a spot that you could climb to and see the city below. Katie took a picture of Al, Audrey and me up there. It looks cool with the light shining down on us!
Next door to Pioneer Park was Red Hills Desert Garden. We walked around there for a while and then sat on a swing to watch the waterfall and enjoy the sun on our backs.
We got some lunch at Angelica's, drinks at Swig, and took it all to a park to eat. Then we went back to the house and watched Sanditon and stayed up most the night, not wanting the trip to end. :) Our husbands all wonder what we have to talk about for 4 days straight, but we never ran out of things to say. I loved all of our time on this couch, just laughing, talking, and reminiscing. This weekend was simply the best!!

Thank you Paul for giving me this weekend away with my besties, and for taking such great care of our kids!! Damon had "Smartie Pants" day for the 100th day of school on Friday. :)
Paul invited Wyatt and Hallee over and they had a great time together. They played, got McDonald's for dinner, and watched a movie.
He also introduced our kids to the classic Karate Kid. They loved the movie, and he sent me a picture of them all doing crane kicks afterward. :)