Sunday, March 2, 2025

Dreams of Champions Meet

 Arete hosted the Dreams of Champions meet this weekend. The highest levels have pretty small numbers, so they included an adult-level with the Level 8/9/10 session Friday night. Maya (Tessa's Friday coach) decided to compete and told Tessa, Morgan, and Lexi they should come to open gym last Saturday and help her choreograph a floor routine. They all love Maya and thought that was so fun! When I was dropping Tessa and Morgan off, Maya told them she was staying to be the coach for a birthday party right after open gym too, and that they should stay for that and help babysit her daughter Kyla. They love Kyla too and were so excited to stay and play with her.

A bunch of the girls went to watch the coaches compete. They thought it was fun to have a fan club cheering them on!

Tessa's session was Saturday morning. We were up early again to get her hair ready. It takes a lot of time, but it sure is cute!
Grandma Clark and Emilie came to watch. It was fun to get to visit with them!
Arete started on vault and Tessa looked great.
Our seats were real close to where they run for vault. :)
Next was bars. Her cast was still awesome and she did a solid squat on. Her long hang kip had a lot of deductions, but the rest of it looked great.
She looked awesome on beam! She was excited she stuck her landing this time!
She did awesome on floor too. Grandma was telling her she has more personality and is more enjoyable to watch perform than all the other girls. :) The Arete coaches are very good at making fun choreography and training the girls to have smiles and personality while they're performing. It makes a difference in their scores, and Arete girls alway shine on floor.
Tess took 1st on vault with a 9.2
She took 4th on bars with a 9.0
She took 1st on beam with a 9.7!!! She was thrilled with that score!
1st on floor as well with a 9.65
And 1st All-Around again with a 37.55
Way to go Tessa Girl!!

Maya came to watch their session and wanted a picture of Tessa, Morgan, and Lexi with Kyla. She's just the cutest little thing!
While they were there, Staci, Stacey and I grabbed a picture of the three of them. They have been on the same team together the past 3 years and are such fun friends and good girls!
Grandma and Emilie came to watch Damon's volleyball game too, and then Grandma took Rockwell on his birthday Grandma Date. They went shoe shopping and to Dairy Queen. Rockwell told us that Grandma is so funny. He said that Paul and I are old-person-funny, like only other old people think we're funny. But Grandma is actually funny, like everyone of any age would find her funny. :)

1 comment:

  1. You got great pictures, you can tell Tessa looks great and has personality! I love her hair, that looks so good. That is so cute that they helped their coach and cheered for her.
