Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Bear River Cabins

Al found a steal of a deal for a two-night stay at the Bear River Cabins, and she asked if we wanted to go too. I'm so glad we did! We absolutely loved it up there. Katie came too. We were so sad it didn't work out for Audrey to come.
The cabins were really nice. The kids were quite excited with their bed that folded down out of a cupboard.
There was a swing in front of each cabin with a beautiful view of the river.
The cabins were plenty big enough for all of us to hang out together in one. The kids were in heaven getting all that time with their best friends. I was too!
The deal also came with a snowmobile all day on Saturday. Rockwell wasn't interested in riding it, but Tessa was so excited to. Paul took her out for a ride and she didn't want to come back. She kept telling him to go faster. :)
Caitlyn stayed in our cabin while Damon napped and Al and Katie watched the other kids so Paul and I could go for a ride together. I drove first and apparently got a little too comfortable with it too quickly. I tried to go off-roading and tipped us over. Luckily the snowmobile didn't land on us, but we did break the back handle off. I was afraid of what they were going to charge us, but luckily they only had us pay $10. I was so grateful.
The kids loved sledding and playing in the snow the rest of the day.
Hallee and Tessa shared this sled. Tessa was happy to take turns, because who needs a sled anyway??
Damon was a champ all weekend. He was happy to be towed around doing whatever the big kids were doing.
The girls had fun throwing snowballs at Jonah. He is always so sweet with younger kids. Tessa just loves him.
Al and I were out with the kids while they were sledding. We were just walking along and all of the sudden Al yelled. I looked over at her and one leg was completely buried in the snow. She was able to get out pretty easily, but the next step, her other leg sunk too. We were laughing so hard. And like a good sister, I took pictures instead of helping her out. :)
One of my favorite parts of the trip was sitting out on the swing with Tessa. The weather was so nice. The sun was shining and kept us pretty warm, but there was still plenty of snow to play in. Tessa and I soaked up the sun while we read books one afternoon. 
This was our view as we read. I can't remember the last time I felt that relaxed and non-claustrophobic. 
It felt so good to be in the mountains, with wide open space everywhere we looked. 
It was so nice to do something fun as a family. We don't get nearly as much family time as we would like. This was just what we needed.


  1. I love all of your pictures. I'm glad you guys came and I'm so glad you had so much fun. Can we go back?

  2. I love all the pictures and that the trip was so good and relaxing for you all! I'm glad you are such a good sister and did get the pictures of Al!
