Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Family Pictures

Al took some new family pictures for us up Provo Canyon. I LOVE how they turned out. 
The pictures above were all the ones I wanted framed in the house. We got some other cute ones too.
The kids had had enough before we got a good one of all three together, so I went up the canyon a few days later and was able to get some good ones pretty easily. This one shows how things went that first day trying to get the kids together. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Labor Day Camping Trip

We went to Grandma and Gramps Clark's house for a campout Sunday night. We love camping in their backyard! The kids ran to play as soon as we got there. We've missed the Call cousins!
Damon was a big help setting up the tent.
It was a fun night of jumping on the tramp, searching for gold, playing in the sandbox, roasting hot dogs, playing ghost in the graveyard, and visiting.
Sometimes me and my 6-year-old son wear the same sweatshirt. It's a lot of fun. :) I have a feeling he won't think it's quite as cool in a few years. 
It took all of 7 seconds after leaving their house Monday afternoon for the kids to ask, "When can we come back to Grandma's house!?!" Thanks for a fun weekend Grandma and Gramps!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Dinosaur Museum

Tess, Damon, and I went to the Dinosaur Museum with Al, Katie, and Audrey for $2 Tuesday. We had a great time. 

Rockwell was super sad when he found out we went there. He loves the dinosaur museum. It was hard for him to realize that he misses out on things while he's at school. There was one more $2 Tuesday, so I took the kids the next week too.
It was a great afternoon. Rockwell was so interested in everything this time. He wanted to read every sign and find every dinosaur he saw on a sign. 
I asked for a shark face. :)
They loved digging for bones in the sandbox. 
Rockwell made a friend, and they were determined to uncover this whole dinosaur. 
And Damon was a champ through it all.

Life Lately Continued...Again

Ron and Diane came into town to bring Haley to BYU. A lot of the Hawkins family met at Brick Oven for dinner. Mel and I sat with Ron and Diane, and it was so great to visit with them. 

Damon loves to copy us and try to put ice in his cup from the dispenser in our fridge. He usually just pretends, but one day he got his cup to stay up there. He was very proud of himself.

We got a new patio table and chairs, and have enjoyed eating out there now that's it's cooling off a little in the evenings.
When I was putting the table together, Rockwell and Tessa had so much fun playing with everything that came in the box. They used the cardboard to make racetracks for their cars.
They put the bubblewrap on the tramp and popped it by jumping on it.

Al caught a fun picture of Damon and me one day at her house. I sure love this boy!

It's been fun to have more one on one time with Tessa now that Rockwell's in school. We enjoy making crafts together. I thought this one was cute.

I asked Tessa to sit with Damon and help him eat their snack while I ran by myself for a few laps around the parking lot. When I stopped Damon was quite thrilled with how many fish she had let him have.

She took good care of Damon when he had a fever. He was really hot, so she fed him cold water. :)

Rockwell and Tessa made homemade mac and cheese. They loved making something so complicated. 

I love that Rock and Tess are such good friends. I hope they always love each other this much.

We love doing fires in the backyard.

Damon sure loves smoothies. He's looking so grown up lately.

We hiked to Bridal Veil Falls for a family night. It's one of our favorite places.