Thursday, March 30, 2017

Catch Up

Here are some highlights from the last month and a half.
We celebrated the February/early March birthdays with the Ham family. 
All the kids love the rocket that Rockwell got for his birthday. 
Marmie stopped by to visit and give Rockwell a birthday present. I didn't think to take a picture with her, darn it. He loved his BYU shirt and magnets though!

Damon loves to have his clothes off. He's even started getting really mad at me that I won't take his diaper off too. He hasn't figured out how to do it himself, knock on wood. He's so cute whenever he lays down with a blanket. He says, "Ahhh, nice" every time.

The weather has been a little bit of everything since I last posted. We were so excited to get the first flowers in our yard.
And I'm pretty sure this was the next day. :)

Paul and I have gone on a few dates. We had so much fun playing racquetball with Al and Keith. We haven't played in years, and it was really fun to play again. We also went to The Dry Bar Comedy Club in Provo with the Carr's and Loosli's. The comedians' pay is based on how clean their routine is. We laughed so hard our faces hurt. That was a fun date night!

Rockwell's school had Family Week, so I got to go eat lunch with Rockwell one day. It was fun to see him in his element and spend some time with his friends. I love the school he goes to. The culture there is so uplifting and positive.
Thanks to my mom for watching Tessa and Damon while I went to lunch! 
I took Tessa and Rockwell to a Family Night Magic Show that week too. It was a scientist from UVU, and he put on a great show. The kids thought it was awesome.

Tess and Damon sure have fun whenever I go to Costco. They were pretending to build a castle and a moat on this day. :)

Tessa loves to wash her own apples now. Such a simple thing, but man it makes her happy to do it herself.

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of Rockwell jumping. And Damon, "ah, nice." That is adorable!
