Thursday, February 16, 2017

Rockwell Turns 7!!!

I can't believe my buddy is 7 years old! Rockwell is such a cool kid. He is responsible well beyond his 7 years, he's so much fun to hang out with, and he is an awesome big brother.
 Rockwell doesn't let anyone sway him, he's very confident in his decisions. Tess and Damon adore him and copy everything he does. He works very hard in school and loves learning new things, especially in science.
Rockwell is a rule-follower. He always tries to do what's right. He has a super contagious laugh and a really fun sense of humor. I love watching America's Funniest Videos with him and Paul, and listening to them both laugh and laugh at all the same stuff.
Rockwell loves to scare me with fake spiders. He loves to be outside and be active. He loves Pokemon, popcorn, and soccer. I am truly proud of the boy he chooses to be, and am so grateful I get to be his mama.

Paul took Rockwell to the Harlem Globetrotters game for a special birthday outing. They had a lot of fun. Rockwell loved the one-on-one time with Dad, and thought the Globetrotters were really funny.

We had Rockwell's birthday party at Classic Fun Center this year. It was perfect! We had the place to ourselves, it was cheap, and there was very little prep, and no clean up. We all loved it.
Flynn, Joshua, Rockwell, Wyatt, Boston
Olivia, Eden, Brig, Austin, Mac
The kids got to ride their scooters on the skating rink and do all the bounce houses and jungle gyms. They were all such good kids who were polite and played well together the whole time. I loved when they all went into the middle of the skating rink and had a dance party. Rockwell said it was a super awesome party!

As soon as Paul got home from work on Rockwell's birthday we opened presents.

We gave him a bunch of t-ball gear, so we went over to a park and played with his new stuff. He got a new soccer ball from Olivia too, so we played with that and also played on the playground.

Rockwell chose to go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. This is his favorite place because of the peanuts.

We told our waitress it was his birthday, so they brought him ice cream and had him sit on the saddle while we all yelled a birthday Yee Haw. I forgot they did that and was interested to see what he would do. He climbed right on and thought it was great.

We had a great day celebrating Rockwell. We sure love him!


  1. Rockwell is such a cute, good boy! It looks like it was a super birthday for him and for the whole family!

  2. I love the pictures of Rockwell. He looks so grown up and so handsome. It looks like he had a great birthday.

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