Sunday, April 9, 2017

Spring Break

Our Spring Break was spent doing projects around the house and fitting fun stuff in between all the spring cleaning/fixing. Paul chopped down our "poop ball tree" from the back yard. :)
He refinished our bathroom ceiling. And painted the garage. That was a huge project! The garage has bothered us since we moved in, and we finally got around to fixing it up. The walls were covered in black marks and holes of all sizes. We also threw out quite a bit and put up some shelves to organize what's left.
The kids absolutely loved helping to paint!!
How cute is Damon painting with water and a tiny roller?!
With 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint, Paul and I spent a few nights out there after the kids went to bed trying to finish it all before Spring Break ended. We loved this megastick so much we felt we needed a picture to remember. It was so nice not to have to use a ladder on the ceiling!
The kids loved having so much time to play outside while we (mostly Paul) worked on the garage.
I love Tessa's hair in this picture! And Damon was so funny one day. He was mad that Paul wasn't out playing with us, so he wouldn't play either. He followed me around copying everything I did instead. Funny kid!
I threw out a bunch of my college stuff from the garage, and the kids kept the folders. Who would have thought that a new folder would be so entertaining? They drew in those folders every time they were inside.
Grandpa Barth came to visit one afternoon. The kids loved showing off for him the whole time.
Tessa had a couple dance classes. Rockwell came and ran a mile with me one day.
I took Rockwell and Tessa to see a movie.
They got to play with Eden.
We did a fire.
The kids were so cute that night. Rockwell and Tessa copied everything Damon did on the tramp. Damon thought that was so cool!
Damon was sick a few days through the week, and was pretty miserable. Poor thing just wanted to sleep and be held.
There were a number of times when I found the kids being so sweet to each other. Rockwell read books to Damon.
Damon made Rockwell's bed for him.
Rockwell pushed Tessa on the swing.
And Damon pushed Tessa on the swing. :)
Paul and I went to a movie, and I was able to go to lunch with my sisters and mom, and have dinner with my friends. It really was a great Spring Break!


  1. Such great pictures as always that really tell the story! I love it all! It looks like it was a fun and productive spring break!

  2. You guys are the cutest family, I love seeing all your pictures
