Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Track Meet

Rockwell had his first track meet last week. It took a while to figure out how it all worked. We just showed up without any instructions or anything. We did eventually get it all figured out though. Rock decided to run a 4x100-relay, the 50m, the 100m, and the 400m. He said the 400 was his least favorite, but I was proud of him for trying it and choosing it over the 200m. He had a lot of fun at the meet and met a few new boys running the relay together.

The meets are hours long, so it was tricky keeping Tessa and Damon entertained the whole time.
The last half of the meet was better, after we figured out that we could wander with them and make it back to the track just for Rockwell's turn. We found a corner with rocks and open space to run. Damon was so stinking cute! He would race from one end of the asphalt to the other. He'd get in the "runner stance," say Set, Go! and run to the other side. Then he'd do it over again the other way. It was adorable!


  1. I'm excited to watch Rockwell. I love those pictures of Damon!!

  2. So cute and it's great that Rockwell is willing to try things! Damon was so cute saying set go!
