Friday, April 12, 2019

Our Spring Break

We all enjoyed our Spring Break this year. We didn't do anything big, but we had fun every day and got to spend a lot of time with friends. Wyatt and Hallee played at our house on April Fools Day and the kids had a great time playing pranks on each other. :)
They always have a great time when they're with their cousins!
Al watched our kids all day while Paul and I went shopping for a new van. They loved spending the whole day there!
We were very underwhelmed by all the vans we test drove. After a couple days of deliberation, we decided to stick with the van we have for now. Once that was decided, we felt better about Paul buying the truck he's been wanting for months. He loves it! I've had fun driving it too, and the kids have loved going for rides in the back around the neighborhood.
We also went to Katie's to play one day. The kids always have so much fun at her house.
We emptied and refilled our hot tub. The kids love helping with that.
I took the kids to a park one day. Apparently everyone else in Orem had the same idea because it was absolutely packed! The weather was great, and the kids still had a great time though.
We had some nice, warm weather and we had some cold, rainy weather. Whenever it was warm, we played outside.
Paul did a lot of cooking over the break. All three of the kids helped out with at least one meal.
Their favorite was homemade pizzas!
We did our best to watch General Conference. The sessions where the kids were playing outside had some fantastic talks! :)
My parents, Al's family, and Kyle came over Saturday night. The men walked over to the church for the Priesthood session, and the rest of us partied at our house. It was nice to visit with my mom after another hard week, the kids had a blast playing late, and Caitlyn and Alexys enjoyed the hot tub.


  1. I love the pictures of the April Fools day fun. Actually I loved all the pictures! The pictures of Paul cooking with the children were great and I'm sure they loved it! Thanks for having us over last Saturday.

  2. I'm glad we had the same Spring Break. It was so fun to spend so much time with you guys. That is great that Paul loves to cook so much.
