Sunday, June 9, 2019

Battlecreek Falls

I took the kids to Nielson's Grove to feed the ducks and play at the park last week.
While we were there, Al asked if we wanted to try a new hike with her. So after the park, we hiked to Battlecreek Falls in Pleasant Grove. There were a lot of little paths that Rockwell and Wyatt loved to wander off and see how high they could climb.
Tessa and Hallee were so cute.
Whenever someone would walk past us, they would tip their hats to them and say, "Greetings." :)
There was a fun bridge.
A few good places to throw rocks in the river.
And a little cave that the kids liked to climb into.
The waterfall was beautiful.
It was very rocky, and very painful to walk without shoes on. Tessa and Rockwell didn't let it bother them too much and made it up to the falls. Damon wanted to be carried, and so I made it as far as I could before my feet had had enough.
It did feel good to get a little wet and feel refreshed for the hike back down. 
The view from the top was beautiful!


  1. I'm so glad you guys came with us. I love the first picture of you and the kid. You are gorgeous Tiff!

  2. I love the way Tessa and Hallee tipped their hats and said greetings to people! That is so cute! It looked like a fun hike but boy that water looked so swift! Scary!
