Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Rockwell turns 10!!!

Rockwell turned 10 years old on Sunday! I told him that we should do a birthday picture on the beach in Hawaii, which he wasn't too thrilled about. But when I told him that would mean he wouldn't have to do a photo shoot at home, he was all for it. :)
Rockwell is seriously a stud. He is what parents' dreams are made of. He is super responsible, and we hardly have to ask him to do anything. He has always been self-motivated and isn't afraid to work hard. He asks at least a couple times a week if there's anything Paul or I need help with. He is an amazing brother to Tessa and Damon. I am so grateful that we get to have Rockwell in our family!!
Rockwell loves Minecraft, playing with his friends, reading, and building with Legos. He enjoys learning math, and sometimes practices it just for fun. He wants to eat an entire bag of popcorn every day, and his new favorite treat is root beer. He loved loved loved Hawaii, and would swim all day every day if he could.

He took a few friends to the Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point for his birthday party on Saturday. Logan, Flynn, and Grant came over and Rockwell opened presents before we went to the museum. He loved all the Legos and rocket darts.
Boston and his family met us at the museum, after Kiara's basketball game. I didn't take any pictures while we were there, so I'm bummed Boston isn't in any of the pictures. The boys had a blast at the museum! Rockwell really enjoyed himself.
He chose Olive Garden for his birthday dinner, so our family went there after his friend party. It was delicious, and the waitress let the kids play video games for free at the table, so they thought that was awesome.
He wanted crepes, bacon, and sausage for breakfast on Sunday.
He was excited to open presents after breakfast.
He loves his pajama pants, lego bases, treats, headphones, and Minecraft on the computer.
He's been wanting to make Minecraft videos on youtube. We agreed that he can learn how to make them, and put them on youtube after he makes them, but not make them public. He's happy with that, and just wants to send the link to a few friends. He made two videos yesterday, and thought it was amazing! 

We had the Ham Fam dinner for February birthdays Sunday night. Rockwell loved getting to play with his cousins. He was really excited for the Lego people, money, and Lego set he got that night.
It's fun to share a celebration with Grandma and Ataiya.

We all love love love Rockwell!! He is so funny, intelligent, and athletic. He is thoughtful and truly enjoys helping people. He is grateful and polite. We are so proud of him and how he chooses to live his life.


  1. Rockwell is an amazing boy for a 10 year old. I am especially proud of him for wanting to help people and being so self motivated! You are very blessed to have him! I love that he wants to make youtube videos on Mine craft and I loved the pictures he was willing to do in Hawaii!

  2. It looks like a perfect birthday for an awesome kid. Rockwell is a special boy and I'm so grateful that Wyatt has him as his best friend.
