Sunday, November 8, 2020

School Week 12

We had the birthday party for Mel and Tessa on Sunday. Tessa loved her new earrings, notebook, jacket, and koala.

Hallee wrote Tessa such a sweet note in the notebook. I'm so glad these girls have each other.

Rockwell brought home his plate from art club this week. I think everything he has made there has had at least one penguin on it. :)

My friends and I had a girl's night at Katie's house to celebrate Audrey's birthday. It was fun to have a night out with my friends.

I finally ordered the first couple blog books and they arrived this week. It has brought me so much joy to see the family reading them and loving them. It's a lot of work to blog, and I have loved seeing that Paul and the kids enjoy reading them. It's so fun to read them and remember things that I would not remember if I hadn't written them down. 

Rockwell has loved 5th grade so far. His favorite thing about it is that his teacher "doesn't give homework." It was a hard realization recently when he understood that although there aren't daily assignments he has to do, there are big projects that need to be done at home. His 6-page book report on Fablehaven was due this week, he will give an oral report on Fablehaven next week, and his Science Fair project is due the following week. He's been spending a good amount of time on these projects lately, and I'm so proud of the work he's done. He even stayed up late Wednesday night to finish the book report early since Boston was coming over Thursday. He wanted to be able to just play with his friend and not worry about finishing it. I thought that was very responsible.

Damon has been playing indoor soccer in Lindon. It's a fun, no-pressure league. He was pretty confused the first game on which goal was theirs because kids from both teams were scoring in both goals and everyone just claps whenever anyone makes a goal. :) He's got the hang of it now though, and is playing great. He's made a couple goals, and really likes playing defense. We thought it was so cute to see him taking defense seriously yesterday. He's #6. :)

A lot of our leaves fell in the front yard and the kids loved making piles and jumping in them.

Rockwell loves it when Paul plays games with him on his laptop. And I love listening to them laugh together while they play.


  1. Such great pictures! I love the ones of your family enjoying the blog books and Paul with Rockwell at the end of this post. Rockwell was so impressive when he finished his book report early so he wouldn't have to miss playing time with Boston! He is amazingly mature and can think long term rather than just the moment! I'm so glad Tessa enjoyed all her birthday gifts and thanks again for your help in getting ours.

  2. Yay for blog books. I love the pictures of them looking at them, the picture of Paul and Rockwell and the picture of Tessa jumping in the leaves!
