Sunday, November 15, 2020

School Week 13

 Governor Herbert put out a new mandate that limits social gatherings to families that live in the same household for this week and next. The numbers of daily Covid-19 cases have gotten into the high 3,000s lately, and experts in the field believe it is being spread at social gatherings where large groups are getting together and not wearing masks or social distancing. He is not closing schools or businesses, but is requiring masks everywhere in the state. All extra-curricular activities have been canceled at schools, which means the kids haven't been able to go to art club this week. That was hard, along with not being able to play with their friends. We've tried to have fun spending most our time at home this week. The kids played play dough one afternoon.

Damon is continuing to learn and progress with learning to read. He passed off his Kindergarten rainbow words this week. He has more lists that he'll work on, but he got a pack of skittles for learning all of the sight words that they want them to learn by the end of Kindergarten. I love love love to see him so proud of himself!

Tessa and Damon have been earning Cold Stone coupons at school. By Friday we all needed to get out of the house, and so we went to Cold Stone and ate our ice cream in the car.
Then we went to Walmart because the kids all wanted to buy a new toy. Rockwell bought himself Legos and has been building a train.
Damon chose a dog that walks and barks.
And Tessa bought a humungous unicorn.

We decorated for Christmas on Saturday. It's early, but a lot of people are celebrating early this year. I think everyone is looking for joy in their lives a little more than usual, with the pandemic and presidential elections that were very ugly and divisive this year. I like having the extra beauty and reminders of Christ in our home.


  1. I'm sure this week was tough for your children as it has been for everyone. I'm sure that you did keep them busy with fun activities though and I love the pictures, especially the one of Damon with his skittles and his proud look! The one with the children eating ice cream in the car was great too! I've noticed people decorating early also and I agree that we're trying to find some happy joyful things! I've been listening to Christmas music and that's been helpful. Great blog!

  2. This virus seems so hopeless sometimes. I'm glad you guys found ways to enjoy your week!
