Friday, March 25, 2022

Everyday Adventures

 The kids had a day off school for a teacher work day, and asked if we could hike Upper Falls again. That was an easy yes for me. :) Damon led the way up the trail this time and the rest of us had a hard time keeping up with him.

A lot of the snow had melted from when we were there 2 days earlier, and it was much more slippery on the trail. Tessa and Rockwell found some hiking sticks to help them.
We were able to get closer to the waterfall this time though, so that was fun.
We got in the hot tub after the hike. It was a fun day off school.

Tessa and Damon got all decked out in green for St. Patrick's Day.

Grandma and Gramps are home from Europe and came over to visit on Saturday. It was great to see them and hear about some of their experiences on their trip. It sounds like it was amazing! They brought each of the kids a gift. Tessa loves her mask from Italy!
Damon loves his troll from Sweden. It's supposed to bring good luck. Damon says that since the troll has been in his room he's slept much better. :)
And Rockwell loves his Lego's from Denmark, where Lego's were invented.
Grandma and Gramps took Rockwell to Barnes and Noble to choose a birthday gift, and then to Dairy Queen for a birthday lunch.
He was so excited to pre-order the new Wings of Fire book, as well as get the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book and a dragon. They spoiled him for sure!!


  1. I'm glad they all liked their souvenirs and that Damon is sleeping better. That's cute. That mask is perfect on Tessa. It was fun to take Rockwell out for his birthday!

  2. I can't believe how much snow was on that trail to Upper falls. That look slippery! I bet the hot tub was nice after that.
