Sunday, May 21, 2023

Regionals Meet

Utah is in the Western Zone group for Regionals. There were gyms there from Utah, Wyoming, and California. The competition was definitely more intense since all the girls there had qualified at State. Tessa did awesome! They started on vault this time, and Tessa had such a good landing!! She didn't take a step at all, which is so impressive. She scored a 9.375, which I believe is her personal best on vault. Next, they went to bars and she scored a 9.65. Amazing!

Beam was next, and Tessa stuck her cartwheel again!! It was so exciting! She scored a 9.325 on beam. She was the high scorer on beam for the Arete team. :) 
And floor was last, where she scored a 9.35. That's a 37.7 all-around score!! She had such a solid meet, and scored her highest all-around of the season. Way to go Tessa!!!
For Regionals, they only awarded medals to the top 6 gymnasts for each event (or 7 in Tessa's group, not sure why). I think everyone got an all-around medal, but I'm not sure on that. Anyway, Tessa got 4th place on vault.
7th place on bars.
6th place on beam.
And tied for 4th place on floor.
She placed 6th in the all-around.
Earning a medal on every event was quite the accomplishment at this meet. Way to go Tessa Girl!!! You did an awesome job at Regionals!
Tessa wanted a picture with the birthday boy. :)

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