Wednesday, August 10, 2016


The Ham Family went to Oregon in July. We stayed on the coast, at Otter Crest. It is absolutely beautiful there! We had a great view from our balcony, and we loved falling asleep to the sound of the waves every night.
I love how it's so lush and green on the coast.
The grounds at Otter Crest are beautifully-kept.
We could see whales every day. They were so close to the shore, we could watch them from our balcony. I loved that! You can see a whale's spout spray in this picture.

The views and sunsets never get old!

Otter Crest has a cool little tram that you can take up to your room if you don't want to walk up hundreds of stairs. :) The kids thought it was awesome! 
We took two days to make the drive to the coast. The kids were so excited to get to our hotel in Pendleton and run laps around the outside of it. 
We stopped in Portland and tried VooDoo Doughnuts. We've seen it spotlighted on the Food Network for years, so we figured we might as well try them out while we were in Portland. They were good doughnuts, but Paul and I agreed they weren't quite good enough to wait in an hour-long line again.


  1. Looking at all of these pictures really makes me want to go back!

  2. Great pictures! They do make me want to go back again too!
