Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Halloween Costumes

This year we have Spiderman (who wants to wear his mask so badly but it drives him crazy),
Ariel (who loves to pose),
and a pirate (who doesn't smile for pictures anymore).

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Painting Pumpkins

We had fun painting our pumpkins last night. The kids love doing this every year. 
Damon was in heaven getting to paint on his pumpkin! Paul told Damon to look up at him, and Damon looked and said, "Cheese!" That's the first time he's said that. I love that we didn't tell him to, he just knew to since we wanted a picture.
Damon did try to eat the paint a couple times at first. The picture is totally blurry, but Rockwell was laughing his head off about it. He thought that was the funniest thing ever. He had us all laughing because he was laughing so hard. :)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Life Lately

Tessa has been so helpful lately. She always wants to help with cleaning, cooking, everything.

Matt and Cody came into town so they could attend the Priesthood Session of General Conference. Al, Mel, and I went over to my parents' house Friday night so we could visit with them. The siblings went to breakfast Saturday morning too. It's always fun to see Matt and Cody!

On Sunday we went to Paul's parents' house so we could be there when Emilie opened her mission call. She will be serving in the Spain, Barcelona Mission. She's going to be an amazing missionary!

Rockwell had fun dressing up for Health and Safety week at school. There was a pjs day, crazy hair day, and crazy socks day. Friday was dress like a superhero day (we didn't participate), and Rockwell said a kid in his class dressed like a police officer. Rock told me that they're heroes because they save people. I thought that was awesome.

These two sure have fun with each other while Rockwell's at school. Damon copies everything Tessa does right now. It's pretty cute.

We played at Al's house this week. Tessa loves when she gets to play with Kenzie. She kept wanting me to watch them play, and kept saying, "She likes me Mom!" 

We went to lunch with my mom and sisters to celebrate Mel's and my birthdays. Damon looked so old holding his sandwich and eating it whole.

Rockwell started a basketball class this month. Wyatt's in the class too, which makes it that much better!

Tessa wanted to dress up like Batman. She put on the mask and used the slinky as her "utility belt." :)

Damon sure likes graham crackers. Tessa was eating some and gave him one. You would have thought he had won the lottery when he tried it.
He has started climbing on EVERYTHING. He was thrilled with himself the first time he climbed on the kitchen chair and had a snack with the big kids.
He can't climb down off a lot of things though. He just yells MOM over and over and over until I come get him down. 

Rockwell really wanted some books from the Book Fair at his school. We bought him one and he bought one with his own money. They're both chapter books. He has taken them everywhere and read every chance he gets since. I find him reading in bed with his night light so he doesn't wake Tessa up.
First thing in the morning.
And any time we're in the car. I love it!!

Fall Fun

The kids were so excited to decorate for Halloween on October 1st. These pumpkins are always the favorite thing to pull out.
We bought our pumpkins from a house across 1600 North. The kids searched and searched and finally found just what they were looking for.
The couple selling them were so nice. The man told us all about what farming used to be like and how different it is now with all the machines.
We roasted hot dogs over the fire pit. Rockwell gave up pretty quickly with how windy it was that night, so Paul roasted all 4 hot dogs for us. :)
After dinner we decorated pumpkin sugar cookies. The kids loved that!

Dad's Birthday

We had fun celebrating Dad's birthday last week. He worked that day, so we just opened presents and went to dinner that evening.
On Saturday we got a sitter and Paul and I went out to Teppanyaki and then saw The Magnificent 7. I forgot to take any pictures. Darn.
Brent took Paul to the BYU football game and to dinner tonight to celebrate his birthday. And he was supposed to go golfing with Jim tomorrow, but Jim got sick. So the celebrations will continue next week. :)
Damon was so funny carrying this box around all night. There was a lot of grunting involved. :)

Friday, October 7, 2016

Everyday Adventures

Rockwell and Tessa had a blast at Boston's birthday party. It was a basketball party at their church. They both loved it! I just love Boston. I'm so glad he's one of Rockwell's best friends. His happy personality is good for the soul. Rock's still having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that Boston's not his cousin and that Katie is not my sister. :)

Damon loved throwing rocks in the Provo River. It was so hard to keep him away from all the spider webs on the bridge though. Yuck!

Tessa is very concerned about this wolf every time we go to Dad's school. It's in the front office, and she has to stop and sit with it for a while to pet it and ask me why it's sad. She's decided it misses it's mom. This is very concerning for her. :)

Damon felt pretty important sitting in Dad's chair in his office.

Katie and I went to the Mat Kearney concert at Red Butte Gardens. It was so fun! The weather was perfect through the opening bands and Mat Kearney. There was a lightning storm right behind the mountains through the whole thing, which was really cool.
 Literally, the minute Mat finished, it started absolutely pouring. We tried waiting it out for Need To Breathe, but even under a blanket and an umbrella that a nice man gave us, we were soaked! We decided to call it and walked back to the car in the downpour. We were happy with our decision when we found out they waited an hour and then only played three songs.

Tessa and Rockwell have had fun wearing these glasses lately. Isn't she just the cutest little thing!?!

Paul's school did a J-Dawg's fundraiser dinner. It was fun to eat dinner and watch a few groups from his school perform on the lawn.

I could just eat this kid right up!

Tessa found a box of dress up that's been sitting in the storage room. She was fun to take into public for a few days after that. :)

These two sure love each other. They just laugh and laugh every day at lunch. 

Tessa and Hallee were so cute doing Just Dance. 
I left to pick Rockwell up from school, but luckily Al sent me this. Adorable!!