Monday, October 3, 2016

Mom's Birthday

Paul spoiled me rotten on my birthday. 
He took the day off work and arranged for my mom to come watch Tessa and Damon while we went on a date. Thanks Mom!! After we got Rockwell to school I got to take a nap. The main level of our house was cleaned when I woke up and Paul had taken the kids to buy my favorite treats.
When my mom got there, Paul and I went to the Orem Police Department's shooting range. Paul arranged this with the school resource officers from this year and last year. Sadly one of them had to be at the morgue and wasn't able to come. Dave took so much time teaching me how to use all the guns. He's a super nice guy.
The pistol was my favorite. I had a pretty hard time with the rifles. And anyone reading this who has shot guns will know my form is pretty bad. It definitely was not natural for me. Luckily Paul and Dave were really patient!
Paul did awesome with the long-range shots. He hit that red circle target enough that Dave started picking things out on the mountain for him to shoot. He blasted a rock up by the fence on his first shot!
We shot a few moving targets. That was fun to try. I hit one of the circles off on the 5-star! :)
I love trying new things, so this was so much fun. I love that Paul thought of something new for us to do! We went to Shoots for lunch afterward. It felt so extravagant to be out on a date in the middle of the day on a Thursday!
When Rockwell got home from school we went to a park up above Vivian Park in Provo Canyon. It was absolutely beautiful!
The river here is much more shallow and slow. It was a great place for the kids to play. We weren't planning on getting in the water, but once Rockwell fell in we figured why not! :)
We will definitely come back to this park. I couldn't get over how beautiful it was!
The kids loved being able to climb on all the logs and rocks.
Paul was so sweet taking all these pictures while I played with the kids in the water. He slipped on a  rock while taking this one of Damon and me. He cut up his leg and dropped his phone in the river. Dang it! We put his phone in rice as soon as we got home, but it wasn't looking too promising until the next afternoon. It suddenly started working and has been just fine since. It's a birthday miracle! :) 
This was one of my favorite birthdays for sure. All the thought and planning Paul put into it really made me feel loved and important. I couldn't believe he took a day off work. He never does that! Thanks for everything Paul!


  1. Love you hot stuff!!! Happy birthday

  2. It looks like a perfect birthday! You deserve it!

  3. So glad I could help you have such a wonderful day and it was wonderful for me to play with Tessa and Damon! You do have a wonderful husband!
