Friday, October 7, 2016

Around Our House

Paul and the kids made peach cobbler with the peaches from Shiree's tree. It was super yummy.

Cute boys!

Rockwell taught Tessa how to ride her scooter, and she has loved riding it around our cul-de-sac.
They were taking a break and asked me to come take a picture of them. I certainly won't say no to that!
Damon loves to go for rides on the motorcycle.

There have been a few big thunderstorms lately. One night the kids were having a hard time sleeping through it. We watched the storm for a while, and that seemed to help them not be afraid anymore.

Rockwell read to Tessa one night, and tried to help her learn to read. It was adorable to watch him whisper what the words were.

Damon is still playing peek-a-boo every chance he gets.
He had me laughing pretty good when he played it under the rug.

Tessa's made a few cute crafts lately.

Rockwell lost his 2 front teeth!

Damon is so funny every night at bedtime. We read scriptures, say prayers, and read books in Rock and Tessa's room. Then we tuck Tessa in, put Damon to bed, and Rock gets to stay up for a bit. When Tessa gets in bed Damon goes and gives her a kiss, with a big mwaahhh sound every time. Then he walks out and says na-night. It's my favorite!


  1. I love the last picture. I would love to see that every night!

  2. I love reading about and seeing pictures of your everyday life! I love the last picture also! What fun!
