Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Painting Pumpkins

We had fun painting our pumpkins last night. The kids love doing this every year. 
Damon was in heaven getting to paint on his pumpkin! Paul told Damon to look up at him, and Damon looked and said, "Cheese!" That's the first time he's said that. I love that we didn't tell him to, he just knew to since we wanted a picture.
Damon did try to eat the paint a couple times at first. The picture is totally blurry, but Rockwell was laughing his head off about it. He thought that was the funniest thing ever. He had us all laughing because he was laughing so hard. :)


  1. What a fun night and I loved reading about Damon saying cheese and seeing Rockwell laughing his head off! Great post!
