Thursday, January 5, 2017

Christmas Break

We had a nice mix of relaxation and fun activities this Christmas Break. We went to Paul's school to play in the gym. We love doing this every year. It's a fabulous way to get energy out when it's freezing outside.
That's good form, right? Haha! Paul and I played an epic game of PIG. That 3-point shot was my sweet spot. But sadly, after a good 25-minute game, Paul beat me. We will have to go back soon so I can beat him!
We spent a lot of time just playing with our new toys. It was super fun.

Paul got to do some cooking. I was talking to my neighbor who has been married for probably 30 years. She said one of the best decisions she ever made was to marry a guy who loves to cook. I would have to agree with her. :)

Katie was so sweet and had our kids over to play while Paul and I went to Elijah's basketball game. The kids had a blast there, and Paul and I enjoyed a fun day date watching Elijah play and visiting with Mel and EJ.

Paul took the kids home that night and I stayed for a girls night with Katie and Audrey. I always love girls nights with my besties!

Paul took Rock and Tessa to see Sing in the theatre.

We had Grandma and Grandpa Ham and Dante and Alexys over for dinner on New Years Day. It was fun to see them.

We played in the snow.

And we just enjoyed having time to spend together as a family.



  1. Looks like a great break! Tessa looks so grown up in these pictures!

  2. Love your pictures and all the fun activities you got to do during the break! We sure enjoyed being with you on New Year's Day!
