Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Dinner

We went to Grandma and Gramps Clark's for Christmas dinner. 

The kids were excited to play in the basement. Grandma cleaned the whole thing out and it's just kid/toy zone now. They thought that was so fun! Damon loved playing on the stairs. That seems to be his favorite place to hang out there. 
He was also fascinated with the candles on the table. He got right up close to see them and then leaned back saying 'hot' over and over.
We all loved the present exchange. 
Damon was thrilled with his bobble dog! We were laughing so hard watching his cheeks jiggle while he was squealing with delight holding it and chasing after it.
Grandma and Gramps are always very generous. We loved our date night package, and really loved the card the movie tickets came in. They only had birthday card holders, so Grandma made do in a fabulous way! :)

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