Sunday, August 13, 2017

Around Our House

We had a fire one night.
We roasted marshmallows and hot dogs .
Tessa and Damon had fun swinging. They're so sweet to always take turns pushing each other.
Rockwell, Paul and I stayed out with the fire after the little two went to bed. Rockwell was making movies on the kindle and laughing his head off showing them to us. It was adorable.

Tessa put on a tea party for us. She taught Damon how to do cheers. :)

Damon loves to "help" me do everything these days.

There was an awesome thunderstorm one night. Rockwell, Paul and I went out on the porch to enjoy it. 
Rockwell got his umbrella and rain boots, and went all around the cul-de-sac jumping in puddles. Once the downpour stopped, there was a double rainbow. 

We did a date night with the Loosli's, Carr's, and Nielsen's last weekend. It's always so good to hang out with these people!

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