Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Everyday Adventures

I love when the kids play well together. There's so much more time for them to fight during the summer. I really appreciate the times when they are sweet to each other and have fun playing together.

Tessa got her cast off! It took quite a bit of sawing and cutting to get it off. It was a lot more uncomfortable for Tessa than when she got the blue one cut off. I was really surprised that when we got home the thing she was most excited about was to put on a long sleeved shirt again. I wasn't expecting that to be what she missed. :)

Damon had so much fun helping Dad "fix" (patch/paint) the walls in the house. I just die every time he puts on his tool belt. Cutest thing ever!

Rockwell built this cool new toy. We've all had fun seeing how high the helicopters can fly.

Aren't they just the cutest?

We had fun meeting Jon and Buffie for dinner and a park one night. 
Sadly we had to end the night when Damon had a blowout. He did look adorable in his diaper and cowboy boots though. :)

Rudy spoke at an Administrators Conference for Paul's district. Paul has always loved that movie and story, and he loved Rudy's message at the conference and getting to meet him.

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