Thursday, November 1, 2018


Paul and I had our birthdays. We are now 35 and 38!

We went to a Harry Potter escape room with our friends the night before my birthday. We were given 45 minutes to solve it and we did it in 46 minutes. So close! Rockwell had a soccer game the next morning, and then we went home and opened presents.

I was spoiled as usual. :) Paul got me the iPhone X. It's super nice. The kids each picked something for me at the dollar store. Damon chose a fall platter. I think it's great he chose that, because I love stuff like that. Rockwell was excited to find Dr Pepper licorice. He knew I'd love that. Tessa got me a baton. It only took about 5 minutes before she asked me if I really wanted to have it because it's kind of a kid's toy, so I might as well let her use it since she's a kid. Haha!

Boston's birthday party was that afternoon, so I took Rockwell to that. The boys swam and I sat and visited with my friends. It was great!

Paul ended up not feeling well that night, so I ran and picked up some dinner for myself from the Corner Bakery. He had made me a peanut butter pie while I was at Boston's party though. Man those are delicious!

We started with presents on Paul's birthday.

I think his favorite was the set of tie bars. He loves those and has converted Joe at Timpanogos and Todd at Pleasant Grove to loving them too.

The Michigan snuggie was fun! He put it on like a robe first, which gave me a good laugh. He got it figured out though. :)

Isn't he cute?!
Damon had some sort of misunderstanding and thought the presents were for him. He was quite sad when he realized they were all for Dad.
Paul works so hard and is away from home a lot, so he wanted to go to Rockwell's soccer game and then just be home and watch some football. He also got in the hot tub with the kids that evening while I was watching the women's session of General Conference.

We went to the Ham Family dinner to celebrate ours and Jonah's birthdays on Sunday. It's always fun to share a party with Jonah.
The kids always love playing with their cousins at the family dinners. Aren't these two girls the cutest things ever?!


  1. Great pictures and I loved reading about your birthdays. Tessa asking for the baton since it's a kids toy was sure cute! Looks like you both got spoiled but I don't know what tie bars are. I loved the pictures in the snuggly and the picture of Hallee and Tessa!

  2. Love the Michigan snuggie. I didn't know he was a tie bar guy. Cade has the iphone X, but I didn't know it has that cool portrait mode that blurs the background. Nice!

  3. You and Paul are so photogenic, I love that first picture of you two.
