Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Everyday Adventures

The kids' favorite thing to do lately has been coloring pictures that they print from the computer.

Rockwell couldn't choose a favorite for the picture. :)

Al showed up one morning when we were leaving to take Tessa to school. She asked if Damon could play for the day, because she wanted to give me a day to do whatever I wanted. It was so incredibly nice of her!! She took Damon to her house for the morning, picked Tessa up from school, and got them both lunch before bringing them home. Damon absolutely loved playing with Aunt Al!

I used the morning to prepare my relief society lesson. It was a challenging one for me that took a lot and a lot of preparation. I had been really stressed about finding the time I needed, and that was a huge blessing to have that time to work on it by myself. Thank you SO SO much for that Al!

Rockwell finished his soccer season. They had a great team and Rock loved playing.

Brent gave us his football tickets when he and Kristene were in Texas for a business trip. It was fun to go to a game again. BYU played great!

Rockwell loves playing video games. Damon always wants to play too. His remote doesn't work, but he sure thinks he's playing and gets super into it, yelling at the tv the whole time. :)

Damon, Tessa, and I went to Kenzie's birthday party. These three had fun playing restaurant after all the other kids left.

We got a hot tub in September and we have loved it!

Tessa went to her friend Layla's birthday party last month. It was in American Fork, so I took the boys to lunch and a haircut while she was there. It was fun to spend the afternoon with my boys.

They have been having a lot of fun together lately. They love to wrestle. And Damon loves it when Rockwell reads books to him.

It's always fun to check on the kids and see how they're sleeping.

The shells that the kids have collected over the past few family vacations have just been taking up space in the mudroom for a couple years. I grabbed some vases we're not using from the storage room and they each got to fill one with their favorite shells, and the rest were thrown away. They thought that was fun.

Damon and I went walking up the canyon with Mel and Al. It was sure gorgeous with all the fall colors!

Damon had had enough of the stroller halfway down, but we wanted to keep walking quickly for our exercise. I carried him as long as my arms could do it, and then Mel took a turn. My kids really are spoiled with amazing aunts!

Rockwell and Tessa had their primary program last week. They both did great saying their parts and singing the sweet songs.

My parents came to the program, and Tessa loved sitting with Grandpa Ham until she had to go up on the stage.

I took the kids up the canyon after school one day. It was the last warm day on the forecast, and I thought the fall colors would still be there. They were definitely gone, but the kids had a blast throwing rocks in the river and walking on the trail.

I went to Alexys' dance show at Cottonwood. She's a great dancer, and it's clear that she absolutely loves it. I love watching my nieces and nephews do what they love.


  1. Such cute pictures! That's great that the children enjoy coloring so much and their pictures looked great! So nice of Allison to take the children and give you time so that you could prepare your lesson! We do have a great family!! Such a cute idea with the shells in the vases.

  2. I know I always say this, but so many cute pictures! Your kids are the cutest. I love what you did with the shells. The picture of Tessa and Dad is so cute. I loved spending the morning with Damon.
