Friday, February 1, 2019

Fun Stuff

I took the kids sledding again the day after the last snow storm. The hill was complete ice. It was so hard to walk up the hill without falling. But man, we could fly down fast and far!

I had fun going down with each of the kids.

Tessa wore her cheetah shirt and cheetah coat the other day, and said she really wished she had cheetah pants too. The next day I was at walmart, and they had cheetah pants on clearance for $1! She was so excited to be a full cheetah. :)

Paul and I went to Social Axe Throwing for a date last weekend. It was so fun!! We both really enjoyed it. 
They have a coach that teaches you how to throw, and then gives you games to play. I won the first one, where you had to be the first one to spell Social Axe.
And Paul won the next two games. One was similar to darts, and the other one was moving across the target hitting certain places in a certain order.
It definitely took some learning and practice to get the hang of it. The coaches were super helpful, and we got better and better as the night went on.

The kids' school had a Family Night this week. They got to make led jewelry, paper airplanes, constellations with food, and we read books in the library. It was a lot of fun.

The kindergarteners celebrated being 100 days smarter by dressing up like Smartie Pants.


  1. I love the sledding pictures, you got great ones! It looks so fun. Tessa is such a crack up!

  2. The sledding pictures are great and it looks like so much fun! Tessa makes an adorable cheetah and smart girl! I'm glad you had fun throwing axes!
