Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ballet and Rainstorms

We've decided to put Tessa in a dance studio so she can learn ballet. She tried out a couple studios with Hallee this week.
They were the first girls to arrive for class at one of the studios. They immediately started dancing around the room.
Tessa thought the class was fun, and especially liked learning how to say Thank You in ballet.

There was a big rainstorm this week. The kids put on their rain boots and had a great time running around our cul-de-sac and jumping in all the puddles.
Rockwell's soccer practice had just gotten canceled because of the weather, and so he still had his shin guards and socks on. He was the only one whose legs didn't get rubbed raw by the rain boots. Tessa and Damon ended up with huge sores around their calves where the top of the boots met their skin. They didn't complain or even notice them until we had gone inside to shower. Poor little things! They sure had fun while they were out there though.