Saturday, August 3, 2019

Days of '47

We got to go to a few of Emilie's Days of '47 events over the 24th of July. Grandma and Gramps got hotel rooms for us all in Salt Lake. It was a really nice hotel!
We went up there Tuesday afternoon, and started with the Float Preview.
The Royalty was there for pictures with their float. I get to see Emilie in all her different royalty clothes at our house when she's on her way out to an event, but it was so fun to see her in action. :)
We walked around and looked at all the floats that were going to be in the parade the next day. Everyone loved the BYU float.
We had dinner at Burger Supreme and then Grandma, Gramps, and our little family went to the rodeo. Carrie and her family had gone a different night, so they went back to the hotel to swim.
We loved seeing Emilie ride around the arena when the Days of '47 Royalty was announced.
It was also fun to see President Oaks and his wife.
Emilie got to come sit with us for a while before she helped out with the mutton bustin'. Aren't they cute?!
We all enjoyed the bull and horse riding and the barrel racing.
Tessa had a hard time with the calf roping and any event that involved baby animals. She thought it was so sad! I had to agree with her.
There was a firework show at the end of the rodeo. It was a fun night!
Tessa thought she was so funny photobombing Grandma and Rockwell's picture. :)
The next morning there was a Sunrise Sermon. Emilie and the other royalty girls sang a song and there was a fantastic talk by Elder Corbridge. 
We ended up getting back to the hotel really late Tuesday night, and so we decided not to wake the kids up to be ready to leave at 6:00 Wednesday morning. I stayed back with the kids, and was sad to miss the Sunrise Sermon. On the way back from the rodeo, we stopped by the parade route to check on our belongings that were saving our spot. There were people camping out all along the parade route, so the sprinklers were turned off all along the streets. Except for the one spot we chose!! When we pulled up, the sprinklers had been on for who knows how long and all of our stuff was completely drenched. Paul, Grandma, and Gramps did their best to ring out all the blankets, sleeping bags, chairs, and umbrellas, and then lay them out in the street to hopefully dry out by morning. Luckily everything was mostly dry when we got there in the morning, and we had a good time watching the parade.

Brent got us all a late check-out, so we got to go swimming with the cousins after the parade. They swam for a few hours and had an absolute blast!

Damon fell asleep on the drive home, and actually stayed asleep when I lifted him out of his car seat. I couldn't resist sitting down and cuddling my sleeping baby. That never happens anymore!!

Paul was so sweet and unloaded everything from the car while Damon and I napped. It was a little bit of heaven!


  1. It all looks great and I'm so glad your blankets were able to pretty much dry out before you got to sit on them. I loved the picture of Damon sleeping on you! You have to take advantage of that!

  2. Looks so fun! Hallee thinks it's so cool that you have a real life princess living in your house!
