Sunday, August 4, 2019

South Fork

We spent Friday with Grandma and the Ham cousins. We went bowling at Fat Cats first.
Tessa loves to have her picture taken right now. :)
Then we went to South Fork for the afternoon.
We had lunch, played in the river, played spike ball, baseball, explored, and visited. The weather was very pleasant up there and it is such a beautiful place to be. I just love it there! It was a great way to spend a summer day.
Tessa, Hallee, and Damon made superhero capes out of their towels.
All the little kids had a blast wrestling with EJ. He is such a fun cousin! We are all going to miss him being around when he leaves for boot camp.


  1. You captured the day so well in pictures and words! It was great!

  2. That was the perfect summer day. Lets go again!
