Thursday, December 12, 2019

Everyday Adventures

Matt's birthday was the Friday we flew out to Antioch, so my parents took us to The Habit for dinner to celebrate.
My sisters, Matt, and I shared a hotel room. We made Matt a special birthday bed for him to sleep on.  Pretty sure it was totally uncomfortable, but everything seems so funny once it's past midnight. :)

Paul and the kids picked me up on Sunday and we went over to Grandma and Gramps' house for a birthday celebration and dinner. 
Emilie was so sweet and arranged to have all the kids bring their snow clothes. She and Matt took the kids out to play in the snow, which they loved! We got to celebrate Grandma's, Hayden's, and Tessa's birthdays.
Grandma and Gramps gave Tessa three beanie boos. She was so excited to get another Tabor, because now she has twins!

BYU Children's Theatre made a musical production of Liesl's book Rump. Paul and I took Rockwell and Tessa to see the play. 
Damon wasn't old enough to get a ticket, so Al and Keith had him over to play. Thanks guys! We all enjoyed the play. It was funny and the music was all acapella and very impressive. Liesl went up on stage after to answer audience questions with the cast.
It was fun to be able to visit with Marlene, Liesl (briefly, she was busy), Caitlyn, Patrick and Matt & Marissa. Rockwell and Tessa were so excited to meet Asher, and even get to hold him.

That night I went to Ataiya's play, Miracle on 34th Street. She did great! I always like to watch her do something she loves so much.

Damon wanted his own Christmas tree in his room so bad. He spent his own money and bought himself one. He absolutely loves it.

I usually decorate our kitchen table with Christmas plates, placemats, and a centerpiece this time of year. We have only half-decorated this year since we're working on remodeling our front room. Tessa found this baby Jesus that one of my students made for me my first year of teaching. She put it as the centerpiece of our table. I had been thinking I needed to get the usual decorations out, but after a few days of just baby Jesus on our table, I decided I like Him being the centerpiece this year. :)

I took the kids over to Al's house to play with their cousins one day. Jonah was working on his math homework, and I was able to help him with a few problems that he had missed. It was fun to do a little teaching again. :)

Al, Caitlyn, and I drove up to Amarie's dance recital. She did great! She had a couple solos in her group numbers, and they were so beautiful.


  1. Great pictures! That's cool that Rump was made into a play at BYU and that you could take Rockwell and Tessa. I love the baby Jesus for the centerpiece!

  2. I'm so grateful you were here to help Jonah with his math! I love the centerpiece! And Damon buying his own Christmas tree, Stop it! I can't handle how cute he is. We loved having him over to play.
