Tuesday, December 10, 2019


We spent Thanksgiving with the Ham Fam this year. Matt and Lori came into town, which is always so fun. We had a great dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
It was a nice day spent playing with family.
My mom played a Thankful Game with the little kids. When they said something they were thankful for, she would give them a candy corn. They liked that game!
We also celebrated Matt's and Tessa's birthdays.
Matt's holding the phone up so EJ can see. :) He was on FaceTime so we all got to say hello real quick.
Paul took the kids home for bed and I stayed to do some Black Friday shopping with my siblings. We went to Walmart, Target, and Kohl's and ended up with some good stuff. Al and Lori bought matching black coats for Caitlyn and Elena. I have the same coat, but in gray. I like to be twinning with my cute nieces!
I am very thankful for all the blessings that I have in my life. I'm so grateful for my husband. He works so hard for our family and provides an amazing life for us. He always listens when I talk, he appreciates what I do as a mother, and he supports me in the fun things that I like to do with my friends. I know I married a good one! I'm so grateful for my kids. They are sweet, capable, healthy, and smart. I know that is a blessing! I'm so grateful for when and where I was born and have lived my life. I have always felt safe and valued. I've had clean water, enough food to eat, got an education, and been able to work or stay home to raise a family. I'm so grateful that we are so blessed that we are able to help others. It's a good life that I have!


  1. Great post Tiff. We really are so blessed.

  2. Beautiful expression of gratitude! We truly are blessed and it's always good to recognize that and be grateful!
