Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jason's Funeral

My cousin Jason passed away on Saturday, November 23rd.

His grandma put a post on Facebook informing people of his passing, and shared the sad news in a beautiful way:
Our family is deeply grieving now for the death of one of our dear grandsons. After years of struggling with anorexia, treatment centers, counseling, hospitalizations, interventions, and anything that could be done, Jason Hawkins has succumbed. His body shut down at the age of 29, so very young!!. He was the most loving, kind, thoughtful person and has left a hole in our hearts. We are so grateful to know that he is free of the suffering he has endured for years and is in heaven, but we miss him so very very much!! It was hard for me to write this, as we feel so devastated, but I wanted to pay tribute to Jason for the wonderful life he lived and the struggles he lived with, still staying the kind person he was. "Is death the last sleep? No, it is the last and final awakening" (Sir Walter Scott)

I was thinking about the last time I got to really visit with Jason. We stayed and hung out with him and JJ after Grandma's funeral luncheon. We weren't planning on staying very long, but ended up being the last to leave the church, and I'm so glad we did.
I enjoyed that time with Jason. He was always such a nice person, and always showed genuine interest in what was going on in my life. He was very talented in writing and producing music. He used to put his songs on youtube, and they would stay in my head for days after I listened to them. His family put a quote from one of the songs he wrote on the back of the funeral program.

My parents, Mel, Matt, Al and I flew to California on Friday and were able to go visit with the family at the church that night. Ron and Diane are really struggling with Jason's death (of course!), and the hug that Ron gave us all when we got there was heartbreaking. We just hugged and cried and talked quietly about how hard it is to lose a family member. I'm so glad we could all go to the funeral and give the Hawkins family our support at least. Gary flew in for the day, and thanks to a great Lyft driver, was able to make it to all the events.

I really enjoyed looking at all the pictures that were displayed of Jason's life. This one of Jason and Grandma was my favorite though. I'm sure that's what it looked like when they were reunited last Saturday.

Ron, Diane, JJ, and Haley all spoke at the funeral. I am so impressed that they could do that. I certainly could not have at Jen's funeral. I loved hearing what each of them had to say about Jason. It was story after story of what a thoughtful, funny, Christ-like person he is. Ron and Diane not only lost their son, they lost their best friend that they did so many fun things with and spent so much time with. Haley spoke on the plan of salvation, which was beautiful. We know that their family will all be reunited again someday, but it's sure hard for now. I keep thinking about the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants that says, "Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die." Their family has certainly lived together in love, and will weep over this loss for a very long time.

Matt gave the family prayer over Jason's grave, and one of his best friends dedicated his grave. He shared more stories of what a great friend Jason was and how Jason had helped him come to know Christ. It was very beautiful.

His body is buried just down the hill from Grandma and Grandpa's graves.

It was good to have the family there to visit Grandma and Grandpa's graves too. We all miss them very much.

There was a luncheon at the church afterward.

We said our goodbyes to the family and then drove Gary out to the airport.
Jason's grandma put another post on Facebook after the funeral. She says things in a great way, and I want to share that one too: 
We just returned from his funeral, where we learned how he had blessed so many lives in his 29 years, and helped others to find hope and faith in their lives. Literally scores of people said he was "my best friend." He did more good in his 29 years than many people do in much longer lives. I came home determined to reach out more and try to find more ways to help others.  Jason Hawkins had a difficult path to trod, but he did it without complaint, with determination, with humor and love for others, and now that he has continued on his eternal journey, I hope to continue on my path with half the courage he had. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I have ever noticed that scripture, thank you for sharing it, that is perfect. I'm so glad we had that time with him after Grandma's funeral. And I'm glad we all went to the funeral together.
