Sunday, June 7, 2020

Summer Week 1

Now that we're finished with the online school year, I'm going to start calling my posts Summer Weeks instead of Quarantine Weeks. Utah is in the yellow phase where we can have gatherings of up to 50 people. We're strongly encouraged to wear masks in public and continue to social distance. At this point, I'm pretty okay with the way things are. I have always preferred strangers not to be close to me in public. :) And I feel comfortable getting together with family and close friends. I feel like things will feel weird out in public for quite a while still, but I'm just so glad to be able to be around family and friends again. It has been really nice for all of us!
We went to Elijah's graduation party Sunday evening.

I printed out a few Schrute Bucks and put them in the card we gave him. It took him a second to realize what they were, but got a good laugh when he did. :) I love that we can quote The Office with him and he always gets it.

I took Rockwell and Tessa swimming at Katie's again on Monday. Al and Audrey went too, and it was another great afternoon. I took so many pictures the last time we went, and I only took one this time. It's a cute one though. :)

Our new trampoline pad came this week, and Paul and Tessa got that put on. Then they fixed the nails and screws that we discovered were sticking out right next to the tramp. We feel like it's a little safer for jumping now.

I'll still be nervous about the kids jumping on it. It's so hard seeing what can happen if there's a bad bounce, but also seeing how much fun they have on it. I figure we all jumped without injury for 5 years before Damon's broken wrist, so hopefully we'll be okay for a long time again.

Audrey showed me some adorable pictures she did of her kids with sidewalk chalk drawings, and so I copied her. :)

It was cloudy when we started but the sun came out right in time for pictures, so it was bright in their eyes. I still think they're so cute though! Rockwell had the idea to put them all in one picture with the balloons. It cracks me up.

Tessa wanted to add clouds, the sun, and the sky onto the balloon scene after I took the pictures. Sadly we ran out of blue before we could color it all in though.

I really needed to get out of the house by the end of the week, so Rockwell, Tessa, and I hiked to the poppy fields in Alpine Friday morning. It is beautiful up there!

The kids did have a hard time with how many bees were flying around and in the poppies. You can see a couple of the bees in the picture below.
It's a very kid-friendly hike, so I'm sure we'll go again next year. But we'll go a week or two earlier, because I could tell that a lot of them had already bloomed and fallen off. It was a really fun morning with Rock and Tess though.

Paul hung up Tessa's red swing, and she is loving it.


  1. I love the chalk pictures, they are so cute.

  2. Paul is so cute on the trampoline with the children. He is a fun dad and I'm glad you feel like the tramp is safer for the children now. I just pray there won't be anymore broken bones!
