Sunday, June 14, 2020

Summer Week 2

It got pretty chilly the beginning of this week, so as soon as the kids were in bed Sunday night, Paul and I made some pina coladas and got in the hot tub. 

I took Damon to his appointment with Dr Machen Monday morning. They cut his cast off and took some x-rays. 
Luckily they covered up his pin with a cloth during the x-rays and waiting for the results, because it was gross-looking! I think Damon would have freaked out if he had seen that sticking out of his arm. The bone is looking good, but still needs some more time to heal. They took the pin out and then put another cast on for 3 more weeks. They told Damon that it feels like pressure having the pin taken out, but he definitely felt pain. Poor little thing. :(  He is excited to have a smaller cast on now, and be able to straighten his elbow.
Mel and Amarie were over at Al's house that day, so after Damon's appointment the kids and I went over to hang out with everyone. Tessa and Hallee found a butterfly that couldn't fly, and so they were trying to help it. They set it down to see if it could fly away, and then a big gust of wind came and blew the butterfly right off the deck. Luckily they found it again, and said that it did fly away on its own after a couple minutes. They were happy about that.

Tessa, Damon, and I were playing lawn darts one day while Paul and Rockwell were practicing soccer. They each had such great game faces. :)

Lyle Loosle got married this weekend, and so Roxanne was really busy with family in town and the wedding. Paul and Rockwell mowed her lawn so she didn't have to worry about that. 
Her yard is so big, and they did an amazing job on it, and so it took the whole morning. It's a great yard for Rockwell to get practice on, with how wide open it is. He wants to start a little yard care business when he's a little older and more practiced.
He stuck with it from start to finish, and learned a lot. He's such a stud!

I went to The Scarlet Pimpernel at the Scera Outdoor Theatre with Al, Mel, Caitlyn, Amarie, and Ataiya on Thursday night. We were all so excited to see a play again, and do a fun activity together. Even though they measured all the chairs with a 6-foot pool noodle to make sure everyone was social distancing, it still felt like a normal event. :) The play was awesome, and the weather was beautiful. It was a fun night!

Tessa wanted a bird feeder for the backyard, so we made one out of a milk carton. Sadly we haven't seen any birds using it yet, but hopefully one day.

Leatherby's opened in Orem, and so we went to lunch there on Saturday. We're all so excited to have one so close to us. It's definitely a family favorite.

Rockwell's root beer float was so big that he had to be creative in how he went about eating it. :)
Damon and Tessa both loved their play dough ice cream.

And I quite enjoyed my Traci's Peanut Butter Cup. 

It seemed pretty windy that afternoon, so Paul and Tessa flew our kite. It wasn't consistent wind, so there was a lot of waiting. But the few times that the wind did carry the kite, it was sure exciting!


  1. I love the first picture of you and Paul. Tessa and Damon's facial expressions are great. That is so nice of Paul and Rockwell. Rockwell's work ethic is so impressive!

  2. Great blog as always and you did get some great pictures. Rockwell was creative in tackling that huge root beer float! Tessa's and Damon's expressions were so cute when they were playing games!
