Sunday, August 9, 2020

Summer Week 10

I spent a ton of time this week working in our yard. I finished the garden box area, and I'm going to do a separate post on that. Here are a few other things we spent our time on this week. 
Paul and Theron filmed a video for the Murphy Barth Real Estate Team at our house Monday evening. We spent the afternoon getting our kitchen and reading room very very clean. The video turned out amazing!! I was super impressed. They had gone over to a different house last Monday to get some of the filming done, and take a few new pictures. The whole project looked awesome and very professional.

While they were filming at our house, I took the kids to get some ice cream cones and then to Big Springs Park in Provo Canyon.
We had a great evening hiking around and playing in the stream.
We all thought this bouncy log hanging over the water was fun!
We hiked until we got to the little wooden bridge. Somebody had hung a swing right by there. It was very difficult to balance on, but the kids had fun trying.
When we got back down, the kids played in the water some more, and Tessa and Damon played Ring Around the Rosies on the grass. 
It was a great way to spend a few hours on a summer night!

While I was working in the yard every day this week, the kids loved to set up the pool and sprinkler in the front yard. They love to ride their bikes through the sprinkler, and I loved having the sprinkler on to cool myself down while I was moving all those rocks!
Damon and Tessa would come hang out in the back with me and blow bubbles. They made some pretty big ones!
They came out one day all decked out for pretending they were fighting bad guys. They had even made shields. :) It was adorable!

The Loosle's asked Paul if he could help them set up a waterslide/blow-up house Saturday morning for a party they were having with their grandkids. They got it set up by 10:00, but their grandkids didn't get there until close to noon. They said Paul should go get our kids and let them play on it for the morning. We went over there and while the kids played on it, we sat in the shade and visited with Roxanne for a couple hours. They were in heaven!!

Saturday afternoon Paul finished up the last work for his classes at SUU for this semester! He took 3 classes this summer, and the rest of the time he'll only have to do one class per semester. We're all thrilled that he's finished with that set of classes!! Nice work Paul!


  1. How nice of your neighbors to let you use their blow up water slide till their grandchildren got there! I loved the pictures in the canyon and of the kids with the ice cream cones! It looks like you had a fun week! I'm also glad I keep getting the notifications for your blogs!

  2. Big Springs park looks fun. We need to get up to the canyon more.
