Sunday, August 30, 2020

School Week 2

When we got home from Rockwell's soccer game last Saturday, our house was really hot. Our air conditioner had stopped working. We have someone scheduled to come fix it tomorrow, and we are so so so excited! This has been the hottest week of my life. We didn't want to be in our hot house Sunday afternoon, so we went up to South Fork. The Loosli's wanted to go too, so we met them up there.

The cold water felt so good. Al and I walked up the river with the littles. It sure is beautiful up there!

Rockwell and Wyatt found a cool teepee and worked on making another fort on the other side of the river.

I played spikeball with Al, Jonah, and Caitlyn. It was so fun!

Damon and I like to go on bike rides after Rockwell and Tessa leave for school.

Damon started Kindergarten on Tuesday.

He was really excited to start, and had no problem finding his desk, getting right to work, and saying goodbye to me. That sure does make it easier to leave my baby at kindergarten.

He has had a few rough moments this week with confusion on pick-up and frustration with not knowing how to do everything. But the majority of the time, he's loving school. 

Julie brought Lindy out to BYU this week, and wanted to throw Paige a bridal shower while she was here. We did the shower in our backyard. We played Wedding Pictionary and an interview game for the bride and groom.

It was a really fun party, and great to spend the evening with so much family.

Paige and Lindy were both so sweet to look at all of Damon's "very special" rocks when he got home from Rockwell's soccer game. He loves to show everyone his rocks right now, and he loved having such a captive audience. :)

On Wednesday, I really did not want to spend the afternoon in the heat of our house, so I invited ourselves over to Al's house. Thanks Al! :) She was so sweet and even fed us dinner too. Hallee had her first soccer game that evening, so we went and watched her play.

She played great, and was so stinking cute out there!

The kids had a great time playing on the grass during the game.

I drained and refilled our hot tub this week, and set the temperature to 83 degrees (although it has already made its way up to 87 degrees just because of the heat outside). We got in it Thursday afternoon, and it felt amazing to be that cooled down!  The kids have gotten in it every day since.

Friday was Fahima's birthday. We sent a few things earlier, but I wanted her to know that we thought about her on her special day. I emailed a picture of us on Friday, letting her know that we were thinking about her and hoping her day was great.

Rockwell had another soccer game on Saturday. They had their first loss of the season, but Rockwell played really great. He learned things throughout this game, and I loved that he implemented the things that Paul and his coach were trying to teach him. My cousin Julia's son was on the other team, so it was fun to see the Lepak's at the game. It was another hot one, and we didn't want to go home to our hot house, so we ate dinner at Dairy Queen.

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun in South Fork with you guys last week. Damon is so cute! I hope school just keeps getting better and better for him. I'm glad you guys have had the hot tub to get through the heat.
