Sunday, September 13, 2020

School Week 4

 We went to Timpanogos last Sunday to check out Paul's new library.
He showed us around the offices and the shelves, and we all found a book or two that we wanted to read.
We stayed and read for a while. It was fun to see where Paul spends his days now.

Paul made juice out of the vegetables he bought from McKay. Damon loves the juice too, and loves to help Paul make it.

We went to a bbq at Grandma and Grandpa Ham's house on Labor Day.

Kenzie came to play at our house on Wednesday while Katie and Ben went to the temple with their nephew. Damon and Tessa had so much fun with her. My favorite was when Damon and Kenzie were playing house and calling each other Paul and Tiffany. :)

Rockwell accomplished the goal he has been working on all summer! He has mowed Roxanne's lawn every week, and saved all of his money. We went to Walmart a couple weeks ago to look at the laptops and find one that would do everything he wants. He found one and after Keith looked into it, he said it would support Minecraft, Hexxits, and Loom Video. It was a great value, but sadly every Walmart was sold out, including online. He patiently waited for an alert that they were restocked, which came this week. The computer was delivered the next day, and Rockwell is one happy boy!! We are so so so proud of him, and love to see that he is proud of himself too. We love to see him learn the satisfaction of working hard and accomplishing goals.

Tessa and Damon thought the safety sponge things that came in the laptop box looked like horses, and so they made faces, manes, and tails and glued them on. They have loved playing with their new toy horses.

I have been wanting some barstools for a while now, and found some really cute ones at Ross this week. The kids think they are so fun.

Rockwell and Wyatt had a soccer game Saturday night. Wyatt and Hallee came and played at our house Saturday afternoon, and then we took all the kids over to Al's house and Caitlyn babysat the kids while Al, Keith, Paul and I went to dinner at JCW's and then to the boys' soccer game. It was a fun evening!


  1. Very great blog as always! Your children finding books from the high school library and then the pictures of them reading them were wonderful! How great that Damon loves the juice that Paul makes. Kenzie and Damon playing house and calling each other Tiffany and Paul was so cute! We're so proud of Rockwell for working so hard for what he wanted and then patiently waiting for it to come was so impressive as were the cute horses that Tessa and Damon made with the packing things.You have very creative children! I'm glad you got to go out with Allison and Keith Saturday night and then go to the game.

  2. Nice job Rockwell. I'm so impressed with his hard work and determination.
