Saturday, October 3, 2020

School Week 5

 Tessa started a gymnastics class through the Orem Rec Center. She loves loves loves doing gymnastics.
It was fun to be able to stay and watch the class a couple times.
Orem and Provo have had such high cases of the Coronavirus lately, that Governor Herbert moved us back to the Orange Phase. That means Tessa's gymnastics class was canceled again, which is super disappointing. She really does love it, and is so good at it. I'm going to try to find a gym that is still open and sign her up there. It's hard to feel like we're moving backward with all of this Covid stuff. I've been keeping track of the weeks of school in the titles of the blogs, because I'll be interested to see how long we get to keep going in-person. Young children really don't seem to be getting the virus much at all, so I'm hoping the elementary schools at least will stay open.

Damon has been working hard on learning his numbers to 100. He finished his 100 chart, and is very proud of himself.
He went home with Richmond after school one day for a play date. Aubrey sent me this picture and said, "Miss Aubrey, I'm holding your biggy pig!" I made him tell me about the "biggy pig" all the rest of that night because it was just so cute to hear him call it that. :)

Tessa had her RadKids graduation and the parents were invited to come watch. I really do hate that kids need to learn these things to protect themselves, but the teachers sure do a good job with it all. 

Rockwell's soccer team had a scrimmage with the other Fury U11 team for practice Thursday night. Tessa and Damon had fun playing on the playground with Hallee during it. I just love watching Rockwell play soccer!

Tessa asked me to take a picture of her working on a laptop next to Rockwell working on his laptop. She found a super old laptop in our room, that doesn't really work anymore and likes to pretend on it. :)

It was one of those weeks where it felt like every minute of every day was filled with something I needed to do, and by Friday I decided to make time to do something just for fun. I went up Provo Canyon and walked and listened to a book. The fall colors were starting to come out, and it was really nice to give myself an hour to just enjoy life and appreciate the beauty around me.

Julie and her kids drove to Utah and got here late Friday night. They stayed at our house this time, and we loved having them here for a few days. They were very busy with all the festivities and preparations for Kyle's wedding, but we were able to do some fun stuff with them. Mel was in Provo on Saturday to watch a few of Al's kids' games, and her and Al and came over that afternoon. The cousins all had a blast together, and I loved getting to visit with my sisters.
This is where we could find Caleb most the time he was here. He was "in class" at BYU-I and doing homework a lot. He would put on his headphones, and somehow focus through all the craziness. :)


  1. I loved the pictures of Tessa doing gymnastics and it looks like she's really great at it like you were! Damon is so cute with his number chart. I loved all the pictures and really enjoy reading about each of your weeks. I'm glad you got to spend time with Julie, Gary, Caleb, and the other children as well as Melanie and Allison! The wedding was a fun event wasn't it?

  2. You got great pictures of Tessa at gymnastics. That really stinks that they canceled it. Thanks for hosting all of us at your house. We all had a great time.
