Sunday, September 12, 2021

Big Boy Asher & Baby Liam

 Matt and Marissa came to Utah in between their move from Denver to Pennsylvania. They came to Tessa and Damon's gymnastics meet. The kids were so excited to see Asher and Liam! Rockwell loved getting time with the kids while Tessa and Damon were competing. 

They have always called Asher "Baby Asher," and have been practicing calling him "Big Boy Asher" now that Liam is the baby of the family. :) It was so nice of them to come watch the meet! They came over for dinner that night and we all loved spending time with them.
It was so cute to see the cousins playing together and hear Big Boy Asher laughing his head off. We all loved holding Baby Liam, and may have fought over whose turn it was all night. :)
We were so glad we could see the Cheney's before they move back east!


  1. That's so fun that the kids love the babies so much. I would fight over him too, he's adorable!

  2. It does look like you all enjoyed the cute baby! What a great thing for your children to have little cousins that they can hold and play with!
