Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Day of Sports!!

 Saturday was a crazy day! Tessa had her State Meet at 7:45 am in West Valley. She and I woke up long before the sun to get her hair ready and eat breakfast and get to West Valley by 7:45.

Since we needed two cars anyway, Paul and Damon waited to come until after warm ups and the events had started. This meet was a qualifier for the Regional Meet and Tessa really wanted to qualify, so she was a bit more nervous about this one than she has been for other meets. Her first event was beam and she ended up falling off twice. She was very frustrated with herself and disappointed. So much of her routine was great, but her feet landed right on the edge of the beam on her cartwheel. She scored an 8.2, and I could see it was really hard on her when her score was posted. I hoped she would be able to shake it off and not let it affect the rest of her events.
They moved to floor next, and she definitely didn't let her beam score effect her there. She did so good!
Her leaps, back walkover, and back handspring were the best I've seen her do all season. I was so proud of her for getting back out there and doing her best after a frustrating start to the meet!!
Vault was next and she did well on that too. And then they went to bars, and Tess absolutely rocked it! She was so excited to end the meet with a 9.7!!!!
We added up her scores and she qualified easily for Regionals. Yay!!
The people doing the medals ceremony were incredibly unorganized and the whole thing was very confusing and took way longer than it should. There were many girls that were left out completely, or were told they got a certain place and then a coach would go talk to the man, and then he would call the whole group back up and they would have to change places and medals. It was kind of a nightmare. Luckily Tessa's level went relatively smoothly and she wasn't involved in all the confusion of the other levels. She placed 4th on vault.
7th on beam.
2nd on floor.
And 1st on bars!!
And she finished 4th All-Around. 
Arete took 1st place. We're so proud of you Tessa!! You did an awesome job at State! Congratulations on qualifying for Regionals!
By the time the team trophies were given out, there was a mom that was in a screaming match with the guy giving out the medals. It got real ugly. He told her she had 5 minutes to get out of the building before he called security to remove her. We were happy to get out of there!
Grandma & Gramps came to the meet, which was so nice of them! Tessa loved having them there.

Cheree had taken Rockwell to his game for their warm-ups, so Paul, Damon, Grandma and Gramps were able to rush straight to Provo for the game. Tessa and I were hoping to make it, but with the chaos of the medals ceremony, we only made it for the last possession. That was the possession Rockwell was playing quarterback, so I'm glad we were able to see that. His passes looked awesome!

As soon as Rock's game was over, we all headed straight to Lindon for Damon's soccer game. I was so excited to see his game since I missed his first one. He was a little timid at first. But then he scored a goal, and something was lit in him and he was all in after that. It was so cute! He played a great game!
Gramps got a little nap in during Damon's game. :) I don't blame him. That was a lot to cram into one day!! It was so nice of Grandma and Gramps to spend their whole day supporting their grandkids.

Around Our House

 Spring sports are keeping us pretty busy these days. Rockwell's had a couple more track meets and has enjoyed those even though they have been very cold.

The last one was at Timpanogos High School, and so the whole family got to go watch. 
We have to bundle up real good to sit out there for that long!

Damon and Rockwell had games at the same time last Saturday, so Paul went to Damon's soccer game and Tessa and I went to Rockwell's football game. Damon enjoyed his game.
Rockwell tried out playing quarterback and did a great job at it! He moved the ball down the field and threw a long pass for a touchdown. It was really exciting. He also ran a touchdown in, barely getting his foot in the corner of the end zone. Aiden and Ashton had a great game too and it was so fun when Ashton threw a touchdown pass to Aiden in the end zone. Cheree and I were both sad our husbands weren't there to see this game.
After the game we picked up Wyatt and Hallee and brought them over to play. They all rode bikes over to the park and played there for hours.
The boys had the girls swinging so high! They loved it!
I loved listening to the kids sit around and laugh their heads off for a while after dinner. It makes my mom/aunt heart happy when they do that.

Paul's been wanting epoxy flooring in the garage for a long time. The husband of a teacher at Timpanogos recently started an epoxy flooring business and offered a discount to Timpanogos employees. We had it installed this week and are really happy with it!



We did our egg hunt and Easter baskets Sunday morning. 
We just had Sacrament meeting, and there were great talks and music about Christ. We watched The Testaments after church and had a nice day together as a family.

Spring Break

 We had a week off of school for Spring Break this year. We woke up to a winter wonderland Monday morning. Rockwell said we shouldn't call it Spring Break, we should call it Christmas Break Part 2. The schools in the state that weren't on break closed for the day because of all the snow. In April! This winter has been record-breaking and it seriously feels like it will never end. We tried to come up with things to do inside. Hallee had been over on Saturday and the girls made these cute little people.

Damon had Market Day after Spring Break and needed to make items to sell. Tessa and I spent the morning helping him make people for the market.
Tessa helped me make dinner, but she did not like the smell of the ham. She got a mask to wear so she didn't have to smell it. :)
Tessa and Damon made a fort in the basement and slept in it that night.
On Tuesday we had planned to go to Katie's with Al and Audrey, but it was still snowing and the roads were bad in Salt Lake county. Al said she felt safe driving to our house, so her and the kids came over for the day. Damon got in the hot tub in the morning, and then the older 4 got in that afternoon.
Talia & Jeff and Paul and I took our Young Women to the Provo temple to do baptisms on Wednesday. I was glad about half of them were able to come on Spring Break.
The roads were clear on Thursday so I went up to Katie's. Her and Audrey's kids were in school, but Tessa still really wanted to come and play with Annie after she got out of kindergarten. Katie decided to check Kenzie out when she heard Tessa was coming and the three girls had a fun day together. She was also so excited to see Gemma!
On Friday Tessa and Rockwell spent the morning at Al's house. There was finally some nice weather and they had a great time playing outside.
Paul took Damon with him to run some errands. Damon loved that!
I took the kids to the Springville Rec Center to swim that afternoon. It was included on our Get Out Passes, so we thought we'd give it a try. 
The pool itself wasn't too exciting, but the kids all loved the slides. 
I couldn't believe how fast they came shooting out of the orange slide. They would skim the top of the water for a few feet before finally sinking into it. It looked really fun!
Jacob came with us and he and Damon had a great time.
Gotta love Rockwell's teenage stank face in this picture. Haha!
That night we went to Don Joaquin for Katie's birthday dinner and played games with Katie & Ben and Al & Keith. The kids had so much fun playing with their friends all night. And Paul and I had so much fun playing with our friends all night too. :)
On Saturday we went to my parents' for an Easter egg hunt and hanging out. 
The kids loved having another egg hunt and playing with their cousins at Grandma's house. We spent the afternoon visiting and playing games.