Saturday, April 22, 2023

Tiff Goes to Logan

Audrey found out that PBS was doing a pre-screening of the first episode of Sanditon season 3 in Logan, and was able to get tickets for us to go. It was on a Thursday night, which wasn't ideal, but we got everything arranged with our families and made it work. We found an Airbnb to stay in and headed up there as soon as all our kids were in school. We went to lunch, did some shopping, and hung out at our apartment. It's such an exciting feeling for moms to be on a little getaway without any responsibilities!

We found a delicious restaurant right across the street from the theater. The food was so good, and they let us stay parked there during the show.
We were so excited for Season 3!! The first episode was really good, and had a huge surprise in it which was fun for all us die hards who were there. :)
We spent the rest of the night watching funny episodes of our favorite shows and talking and laughing until we were so tired. It was just the best!!


  1. Moms need time away to be just themselves! I have heard of Sanditon, but I have no idea what it is. Apparently, I'm missing out? :)

  2. You guys got great pictures. I wish I could have been there!
