Tuesday, September 12, 2023

End of Summer Catch Up

We went to Dr Thompson's (our orthodontist) pool party and luckily the Loosli's went too.

They loved the flow rider and free snow cones and Rockwell and Wyatt entered the hula hoop contest. :)
Wyatt won his round and earned a Swig gift card. So fun!
I tried it out in the parent round, but didn't do so well. :)

The Cheney's were in town and came over for dinner. Liam was a fast fan of Tessa, which she absolutely loved!
Tessa loved playing with Asher and Liam outside, and Matt and Marisa loved that they were able to play Cover Your Kingdom with us uninterrupted after dinner. :) 
We love it when we get to hang out with the Cheneys!

Coach Benson had these shirts made for the team camp, and made sure to give one to the 8th grade boys too. Rockwell loves it!

Tessa made some peanut butter balls all by herself and they were delicious.

We went swimming at Katie's house with Al, Audrey, and Malorie. I can't believe we only went swimming there once all summer. It was a really fun day!

We found a snake in the backyard and Tessa loved holding it!

Our ward had the opportunity to volunteer at the traveling tabernacle. Rockwell signed up and enjoyed spending the afternoon with Audrey and Dhiren explaining the significance of the colors used in the clothing and the tabernacle. Jill sent me a picture of them, which I appreciated so much. :)

I took the kids and Vincent to Airborne one afternoon. They all loved it and didn't want to leave.

They begged to go back, so I took them once more before school started. This time we took Wesley, and Al & Wyatt met us there. Hallee was feeling sick and we missed her! It was great to get some time to visit with Al while the kids had a blast.


  1. Looks like fun end of summer activities! I can't believe Tessa held the snake and loved it!

  2. We loved hanging out with you guys! I love the shirt they did for cross country.
