Sunday, February 25, 2024

Pinnacles Peak Gymnastics Meet

 We woke up bright and early to make it to the Pinnacles Peak Gymnastics Meet in Draper.

Tessa has been sick with a cold the past couple days, and also pulled a hamstring Thursday night. We talked about how this may not be her best meet ever, but that's okay. She was just hoping to have enough energy to make it through everything and not fall off anything. :) Their first event was beam. She absolutely nailed it!! She scored a 9.55!!
Then they went to floor, and she killed it there too! Her form was beautiful!! She scored a 9.6 on that!
Next was vault and she did great on that too and scored a 9.4. :)
Last was bars, and she did so good! She didn't fall off, and her skills looked much tighter and controlled. She was so relieved!! She scored a 9.5 on bars!!
She took 5th place on Vault
3rd place on Bars
1st place on Beam
And 1st place on Floor
She placed 2nd in the All Around, with a total of 38.05!!!
Anytime you reach 38, you know you had a seriously solid meet! Tessa was so proud of herself, and I sure love to see that! You never would have guessed that she was sick and had a pulled muscle from the way she performed. It was that much more impressive to know how well she did with how she was feeling. Great job Tessa Girl!!


  1. It was so great to be there and see her great performances!!

  2. She did so well even though she wasn't feeling well!!

  3. We're sure proud of her performance which was so great!!!

  4. That is amazing that she did so well with a cold and a pulled hamstring. Way to go Tessa!
