Saturday, June 1, 2024

Around Our House

 We were so excited for Paul to come home from Europe!! We all missed him while he was gone. He sat the kids down to give them gifts he brought home for them. He had collected random free things from the hotels he stayed at and brought them home as prank gifts. It was really funny to watch the kids open shower caps and sewing kits and bars of soap, and hear them say things like, "Cool Dad, thanks for this." They were being so polite and it was really hard not to laugh. :) Once Tessa saw Damon's toilet paper though, she lost it and they all realized these were jokes. Haha.

Rockwell was actually excited for a shaving kit though. :)
Then Paul gave them the real gifts he had brought. :)

Tessa asked if we could paint her room purple. I explained to her how much work and money it is to paint a room, and that we were willing to do that if she agreed to throw a significant amount of things away and to keep it much much cleaner from this point forward. She agreed and went through everything in her room and threw a lot away. We took a weekend and painted a cute purple color, and also assembled a new bed for her.
It was a lot of work, but it feels so much better in her room now! She loves it and has done well keeping it cleaner since.

Damon had so much fun at Arthur's birthday party. They had a "campout." They roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, played outside, and watched Bluey in a tent. It was a really fun idea for a party!

Our Young Women class went to the Orem Temple and did baptisms. It was some of the girls' first times and it was really cool to be there with them for that.


  1. That was a funny joke, I love that your kids were happy with their fake gifts. Tessa's room looks great. I love that picture of you and Tessa at the temple.

  2. While in Europe, Paul showed me the "gifts" he was going to give them. It was fun shopping with him for their real souvenirs.
