Saturday, June 1, 2024

State Gymnastics Meet

 Arete was the host of the State meet this year. I spent a whole day there helping to build the gym and then went straight to a concessions shift. It's a lot of work to host, but Arete does a great job. 

They started on vault and Tess scored a 9.425.
Bars was next and she scored a 9.475. She was really happy with that.
Beam was a 9.65.
And floor was a 9.3.
She placed 1st on vault
3rd on bars
3rd on beam
3rd on floor
And 3rd all-around with a 37.85
Their team took 1st place for Level 4. State Champions!!
It was another solid meet for Tessa Girl!
There were some vendors there and Tessa loved this sweatshirt that Arden's mom was selling. She said, "This is perfect! I say this to my friends all the time!"