Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pinnacle Peak Gymnastics Meet

 Tessa got to miss school on Friday for the Pinnacle Peak Meet. The Platinum team competed with the Golds this time.

Arete started on beam. Tessa was a little more nervous than usual on beam, but she still did great.
Next was floor and she did awesome. Her routine is seriously so cute!
Vault was next and she nailed it!!! She does two different passes, a front handspring and a half-on. I'm sure the judge took her front handspring pass because she looked so good on that one and totally stuck the landing.
They ended on bars. Tessa worked really hard this past week on her cast. That was the feedback from the judge at the Tooele meet, and so she focused on improving that at practice. Her hard work paid off, it looked so much better!!
She placed 1st on vault with a 9.8!!!
2nd on bars!!!!! She scored a 9.1! That was a 0.55 improvement from last week's meet. So so good!!
2nd on beam with a 9.2
And 1st on floor with a 9.55
And she took 1st All-Around with a score of 37.65
Arete placed 2nd as a team.
Tessa had a great meet and was very happy with how she did. Great job Tessa Girl!!

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