Friday, October 30, 2015

Costume Parade

Tessa, Damon and I went to Northridge for Rockwell's costume parade this morning. I wasn't able to get a good picture of Rockwell since they walk through so fast, but he sure looked cute as an astronaut!
 Tessa was very unsure of this giant Frankenstein right by us.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Tessa and I were sick when Kenzie was born, and it was so hard not to see her until she was a few days old. As soon as we were healthy I went to visit her and Katie. She is so beautiful, sweet, and alert!
My mom watched the kids while I went over to Katie's, and the kids were really excited to have some Grandma time.
It's so fun to have babies the same time as friends.
Damon and Kenzie were quite interested in each other laying on the love sac. :)

Crazy Hair Day

It is Red Ribbon Week at school, and today was Crazy Hair Day. Rockwell and Brig thought it was so cool that they both had blue hair.

Our pest control company came today and I decided I wanted our interior sprayed, so we had to be out of the house for a few hours. It turned out to be a pretty great afternoon, surprisingly. We ate lunch in our car, found coloring books I left in the diaper bag from church, Rockwell read books he had in his backpack all by himself, and he wrote a letter to Wyatt in a notepad he happened to take in the car to show Brig this morning. It was actually pretty fun to just hang out with the kids with no agenda for the afternoon.
We also stopped in Walmart to pick up a couple things. They have their Christmas stuff out in the garden center, so the kids were more than happy to peruse every aisle and shriek with excitement over every holiday item they saw. :) Mel texted me while we were killing time in the van and said 105.1 is already playing Christmas music. Rockwell was a bit excited when I tuned into that station!

Girls Night

In addition to a girls night with my sisters, Paul also arranged a girls night with my besties for my birthday. We went to dinner at Zupas and talked there until it closed. We were shocked when we realized we had been there for 5 hours. We never seem to run out of things to talk about, so we got a treat and visited in Katie's car for a couple more hours. 
Audrey and I have been catching up with our freshman roommates through email lately. Audrey told them how good of friends we still are despite so many people telling us that being roommates would ruin our friendship. I absolutely love these girls and am certain we'll be besties always.
We were all excited to have Kenzie join us!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Around Our House Lately

Rockwell has conquered the monkey bars! And now my fear of broken bones may commence. :)

 We love when Dad is home!

 My friend Aubrey and I watch each others' kids while the other one helps in the classroom. Tessa and McKay have had fun playing with each other. 

I absolutely love Damon's smile!

Twincipals! :)

I had to document this. Tessa is drinking milk!! That's a straw that has chocolate balls in it and flavors the milk as it passes through the straw. She won't drink chocolate milk, but this straw was motivation for her I guess. She drank half the cup!

Tessa and I are still having fun with our one-on-one time. We painted together today.

Damon is all over the place when he sleeps. I put bumpers in his crib today, because I'm finding him in positions like this all the time.

Rockwell and Tessa helped me make some treats for a girls night I had with some friends from our neighborhood. 

We met Al at a park this week. She was watching Kiara and Boston during Ben's surgery. They all had a lot of fun riding scooters, collecting treasures, and pretending they were on a rocket ship.

Rockwell is sure seeming grown up these days. He always wants to be playing with friends. There are some really good boys in our neighborhood that he has a lot of fun with. Aubrey always sends me pictures when they play at her house, which I love of course. Rockwell, Brig, and Jayden found crickets and named them this day.
 This picture is awesome. She captured all the phases of a jump. :)

Pumpkin Parade

The Riverwoods had a Pumpkin Parade today. There were pumpkin games for kids to play, live music, pumpkins everywhere, and trick-or-treating in the stores. It was a fun event and a good excuse for the kids to wear their costumes. 
 This is the 3rd year Rockwell has been an astronaut, and he loves it as much this year as the first time he wore it. We have definitely got our money out of that costume! 


Rockwell has informed us we can now call him Rock again. For a very long time he asked that we only call him Rockwell. He told Paul the other day that there are three names that people call him. Rockwell, Rock, and Cheetah...because he's as fast as a cheetah. :)
Rockwell is still LOVING school. He's thriving there, and that makes Paul and me incredibly happy. He was so excited to bring home his first Sam Book this week. He read it by himself without any problem, and has done so with the next two also. It is super entertaining to hear him read. He is very expressive with the question marks and exclamation points!
 He is still so in love with Damon. He can't wait for Damon to wake up every morning so he can give him a hug. He's feeling much more comfortable holding him and adjusting him if he starts to fuss. The feeling is mutual for these boys, and they just smile at each other and play whenever they're both home and awake.


Tessa is full of personality! She makes me laugh all day long. 
 She dresses herself these days, and she comes up with some awesome outfits.
 Tessa wants me to do everything with/for her. She won't let Dad help her with anything.
She is one seriously beautiful girl.